I had to resort to cheats in order to complete this mission
Why? For some reason or another, the SD Abaddon all of sudden said "Hey! Let's be invincible" with a single hit point left. What exactly happened here that would make what is supposed to be destroyed, indestructible?
If you're wondering how I know, well... think Ursa's pounding it with their remaining payloads, as well as every ship left shooting it for twenty minutes (all while it was at one hitpoint) while I went to see something
That something being two strange dots on my radar randomly flickering about for no apparent reason, 15 kilometers from the jump node. It was a Loki and an Apollo (both, which I might add, were invincible, and untargetable)
Apart from that, frigging amazing mission. I'm just wondering what's up with those peculiar happenings since I couldn't find anything about it from the search