Author Topic: Shadows in FSOpen: NewNew Alpha (17. Oct)  (Read 81996 times)

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Offline Valathil

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Shadows in FSOpen: NewNew Alpha (17. Oct)
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 01:20:19 am by Zacam »


Offline Swifty

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Re: Not-so-secret Secret Project
Quit hoggin' all the cool graphics projects, Valathil. :no:


Offline Valathil

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Re: Not-so-secret Secret Project
il believe it when i see something other than lame internet memes.



Offline Valathil

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Offline Valathil

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
So New Version, fixed submodels and stuff and i hear people want capships? So you get capships! watch in 1080p!!!


Offline Valathil

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
SHADOWS, ON MY SHIVAN COMM NODE? Its more likely than you think:


Offline Valathil

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
Soo first look at this:

Now pick your jaw up from the floor and look at this:

Which is a SSE2 TestBuild + Patch.
Now wipe off your keyboard and look back at me, now look here:
This is provided without any kind of Support. This is very early very chaotic test code. If it doesn't work on your PC, sucks to be you. Feedback of performance or rendering issues especially on ATI and older cards are appreciated though. Secondly this build and the patch DISABLES external shaders so it always takes the shadow shader. SO HAVE FUN or bluescreens and melting GPU's or whatever.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 12:48:29 pm by Valathil »


Offline Nemesis6

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
I tested it out and noticed two things - Upon warping out, my fighter would still be visible after passing through the wormhole-thingy. Other than that, the only thing I noticed was that a squad decal on my fighter seemed to disappear when viewed at a certain angle, but that might have been an existing issue.


Offline Valathil

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
squad logo i know why its happening its a shadow mapping trick that is against float accuracy problems. ill fix it


Offline Valathil

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
wormhole clipping is fixed, so are the decals


Offline Col. Fishguts

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
"The procedure entry point DecodePointer could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll" :(

I know no support and all that... but what does this popup mean? It appears when trying to select the posted exe in the launcher 5.5f/g
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 02:57:01 pm by Col. Fishguts »
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Offline Commander Zane

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
Other than this subspace image I'm posting I didn't have any issues ingame other than a slight drop in framerate.
These are some oddities I stumbled on, but aren't major (Except the third one).

Normally the Tech Room doesn't display ships this dark, they appeared normally on the Ship Lab and in-mission.

After playing a mission and going back to the Tech Room, they appeared in the brightness they normally do, but it appears that it displays the shadow rendering from the other side of the ship as well (It's easy to tell there's a lot more being covered by shadow than there should be).

This one's actually pretty serious. Shortly after the mission starts, everything vanishes from the screen, including the subspace flare. Weapons fire and missiles launched don't appear, but the sound is still made, can't see my own ship, my engines, afterburner trails, the works. The entire mission becomes devoid of anything save for my HUD (What I target still shows though) and the subspace tunnel, and upon taking the screen I was looking at the Lucifer which is pretty easy to spot even from ten kilometers away.
Quit the game and went back to this mission, happened again except it was after 53 seconds, checked a third and fourth time after reverting to Nightly 7857 and it didn't happen.


Offline Echelon9

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
Compiles and works under Mac. Thanks Valathil.


Offline Zacam

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)

Issues noted (with both a 4096 and 2048 render target):

* Techroom display of ships is dark or occasionally od as if the light source is in a different location to the light being seen.
* Ship Select and Weapon Select (where there are models to display) are often dark, but occasionally attempt accurate rendering.
** Both of the above seem to disappear once an actual mission is run and you return, but then they display just as they did pre-shadow code.
* Insignia casting shadows and/or only being visible from certain angles. (I know, already known about, just being complete here)
** Additionally: When I built a debug build, it likes to crash with option to debug when I turn "Show Insignia" on.

No notable performance issues to report from my end. "Massive Battle - Beams" still impacts FPS the same as it always does, though given that it's a multi-sun environment means that (by the released patch) only the strongest sun creates the shadows, it still looks good.
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)

Strange thing happening with a test mission using BlackWolf's installation with lightning effect.

The lightning effect is basically multiple sections of a tubular model aligned with the ring-formed tunnel. Those models are docked with the station, stealthed, and their health is set to 1% to make them flicker with damage lightning.

With a regular build, everything works nicely. But, with the shadow build enabled, every time the player ship is either close enough to the lightnings, or directly looking at them, everything goes sort of dark. Not completely dark - the station model is visible. Background skybox is semi-visible. HUD is visible - as a black silhouette. The lightnings are ALSO visible as black silhouettes against the illuminated sides of the model.

As I turn away from the station and get some distance, rendering gets back to normal.

But wait, it gets weirder still!

When I enabled cheats and destroyed the station while looking at it (things were dark), but I could see my HUD and the station), everything went permanently dark.

And with permanent, I mean that there was nothing but black on the screen.

I hit F2, the game clearly went to the menu (I could hear mouse movements trigger sound effects of the menu), but everything stayed black.

I went back to mission, still black. Hit ESC and Y to quit mission - went back to mainhall which was black. Hit Esc and Y again to quit game, and the blackness disappeared.

Now, I don't know if all this was related to BW's model, the damage lightning in mission doing something bad to the shadow mapping, or something else altogether but it was rather strange anyways, especially how the blackness persisted even after quitting the mission.

EDIT: It's definitely the damage lightning hackish effect thingy. Model itself works fine.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 09:05:43 pm by Herra Tohtori »
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Offline Valathil

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
Strange thing happening with a test mission using BlackWolf's installation with lightning effect.

The lightning effect is basically multiple sections of a tubular model aligned with the ring-formed tunnel. Those models are docked with the station, stealthed, and their health is set to 1% to make them flicker with damage lightning.

With a regular build, everything works nicely. But, with the shadow build enabled, every time the player ship is either close enough to the lightnings, or directly looking at them, everything goes sort of dark. Not completely dark - the station model is visible. Background skybox is semi-visible. HUD is visible - as a black silhouette. The lightnings are ALSO visible as black silhouettes against the illuminated sides of the model.

As I turn away from the station and get some distance, rendering gets back to normal.

But wait, it gets weirder still!

When I enabled cheats and destroyed the station while looking at it (things were dark), but I could see my HUD and the station), everything went permanently dark.

And with permanent, I mean that there was nothing but black on the screen.

I hit F2, the game clearly went to the menu (I could hear mouse movements trigger sound effects of the menu), but everything stayed black.

I went back to mission, still black. Hit ESC and Y to quit mission - went back to mainhall which was black. Hit Esc and Y again to quit game, and the blackness disappeared.

Now, I don't know if all this was related to BW's model, the damage lightning in mission doing something bad to the shadow mapping, or something else altogether but it was rather strange anyways, especially how the blackness persisted even after quitting the mission.

EDIT: It's definitely the damage lightning hackish effect thingy. Model itself works fine.

That is alsmost as cool as the bug i have in my cloaking test mission where everything turns to greyscale.


Offline karajorma

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
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Offline Spicious

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
Upon further testing it seems ships don't cast shadows on similarly sized or smaller ships.

[attachment deleted by ninja]


Offline karajorma

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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
If it was only about similarly sized ships wouldn't both the Fenris in the background have shadows on them from the Orion? 

on similarly sized or smaller ships.


Yeah, we've noticed the same issue in Diaspora when CooperHawkes was making our video. The Basestars didn't cast shadows on each other.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 12:32:20 am by karajorma »
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Re: Shadows in FSOpen (formerly Not-so-secret Secret Project)
Dumb question:
Where to i put the .patch file?