Author Topic: Paradigm Shift (A General inquiry...)  (Read 11457 times)

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Offline Kabal

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Offline IceFire

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Kabal: Webpage tip....use JPG :)
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline Kabal

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Whats the difference between .bmp and .jpg?
Soon the kabal will rule...soon....everyone.....will....DIE!Kabal's House (Samples of my work)


Offline Black Wolf

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A General Inquiry - For now....
JPG is a lot smaller filesize, so loads a helluva lot faster.
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Offline IceFire

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The difference is this.  BMP is basically raw data with a big image header.  The outcome is a image with no quality loss from the original but a massive file size.  JPG is the ultimate in quality compression and actually there is a whole scale of quality/compression.  The outcome is a virtually identical image (as far as web viewing is concerned) with a fraction of the file size.

GIF can be even smaller but its got a limited 256 color pallet...which can prove useful in some applications.
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline IceFire

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Well it looks like we can put together quite a team.  I'll probaby be contacting a good number of you later to work some stuff out, get some info, and when possible, open you guys up to a forum and whatnot.

Just a thinktank at the moment so no obligations to do anything quite yet.
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline CP5670

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A General Inquiry - For now....
[email protected] will do just nicely

I sent some links to that address. ;)

EDIT: So samples from CP and Black Wolf would be good please.

Let me know if you want to get a look at the stuff as well, or have Icefire forward you the email. ;)

Well it looks like we can put together quite a team. I'll probaby be contacting a good number of you later to work some stuff out, get some info, and when possible, open you guys up to a forum and whatnot.

Just a thinktank at the moment so no obligations to do anything quite yet.

Sounds good. Any thoughts on what the project objectives are? (mods, number of missions, animations, etc.)


Offline IceFire

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A General Inquiry - For now....
The big thing is on MODs.  The current doc has about 55 new models (ranging from escape pods to destroyers and beyond), a whole new set of weapons, some new effect animations, and source changes like blinking lights and new weapon types.  A variable degree of that stuff.  Plus about 30 missions (Kellan will put his foot down and scream if we go over :D).
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline aldo_14

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Originally posted by IceFire
The big thing is on MODs.  The current doc has about 55 new models (ranging from escape pods to destroyers and beyond), a whole new set of weapons, some new effect animations, and source changes like blinking lights and new weapon types.  A variable degree of that stuff.  Plus about 30 missions (Kellan will put his foot down and scream if we go over :D).

hmm...the only prob is, with source changes, you have to really wait until they are made before you can start implementing them...which makes design a bit of a pain in the arse.

BTW, are you going for seperate Terra / Vasudan 'fleets' (FS2 style), or a more hybrid style thing, where ships are composite (like the Ulysses, but more pparent), and crews are mixed species?


Offline Fineus

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Please tell me Vasudan/Terran design will be clearly separate even if the fleet isn't. I'm sorry but I hate Vasudan designs.


Offline IceFire

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Thunder: Count on definitive Terran and Vasudan designs although there might be a tad bit of blending in styles here and there.  Its a composite fleet with very little duplication and more specialization.  I'm really looking to make sure that every vessel is worth even the ship you fly during the first mission could be equally as useful in the last mission...the key is how the stats work and which weapons are unlocked for which ships.
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline IceFire

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A General Inquiry - For now....
And now....I need to pull of a magical feat and find someone to compose/create/mix some music for this thing.
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline Fineus

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Re: the fleet design - sounds pretty good to me, especially the way you want to work it.

And for musical talent I nominate Hunter of F2S, he's got some really good stuff. However I don't know how busy he is or anything - it's still worth a try :)


Offline Kellan

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Originally posted by aldo_14

BTW, are you going for seperate Terra / Vasudan 'fleets' (FS2 style), or a more hybrid style thing, where ships are composite (like the Ulysses, but more pparent), and crews are mixed species?

aldo, you're very perceptive. Did you guess based on the number of MODs, or the time setting, or have you been thinking of this too? :)

As for missions: with a larger number of mission designers (larger than 2!) there may be more room to maneuver on the number of missions as well. However, that doesn't mean giving every designer 10 missions because we can. It might be nice to do less than 30 each this time around... :rolleyes:


Offline aldo_14

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Originally posted by Kellan

aldo, you're very perceptive. Did you guess based on the number of MODs, or the time setting, or have you been thinking of this too? :)

As for missions: with a larger number of mission designers (larger than 2!) there may be more room to maneuver on the number of missions as well. However, that doesn't mean giving every designer 10 missions because we can. It might be nice to do less than 30 each this time around... :rolleyes:

I've been planning some stuff for, and part of it was to be GTVI.  Seeing as GTVI is Galactic Terra-Vasudan intelligence, it sort of makes sense.  Especially as a lot of the FS2 stuff - the Myrmidon especially, also the Perseus & (slightly) the Herc 2 - has aspects of Vasudan design, even down to the colour.

Of course, if you're talking of it being set during a prolonged war, then hybridising some Shivan stuff into the mix makes sense as well.



  • Dark Agent
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A General Inquiry - For now....
Ship's speed might be a problem.  It is not as appealing when you have bombers capable of speeds of 70 and 80 m/s w/o the afterburn.  What should be done about that?

Shivan hybrids are ok, just might not be wise to have like 5 shivan hybrids though.
It's a fact.  Stupid people have stupid children.  If you are stupid, don't have sex.  If you insist on having sex.  Have sex with animals.  If you have sex with an animal.  Make sure the animal is smarter than you are.  Just encase of some biological fluke you and the animal have offspring, they won't be as stupid as you are.   One more thing.  Don't assume the animal is protected.  If the animal has a condom, or if female some interuterian device, insist they wear it.  Help stop this mindless mindlessness.  Keep your stupidty to yourself.  This message was brought to you by the Committee of Concerned Citizens that are Smarter than You are.


Offline Alikchi

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A General Inquiry - For now....
What about the source code?
"Going too far and caring too much about a subject is the best way to make friends that I know."
- Sarah Vowell


Offline Kellan

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Originally posted by CODEDOG ND
Ship's speed might be a problem.  It is not as appealing when you have bombers capable of speeds of 70 and 80 m/s w/o the afterburn.  What should be done about that?

Huh, whaddya mean? If you're thinking that 80 years into the future ships might be a lot faster, it would all be relative. For the sake of sanity though, the ship speeds will probably remain about the same.

Besides, rather than make faster ships they could make tougher ships, or faster torpedoes... ;7


Offline Zeronet

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A General Inquiry - For now....
One day i'll start modelling again. Once i fiqure GMAX out seeing as TS5 didnt cut it.
Got Ether?


Offline aldo_14

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A General Inquiry - For now....
Originally posted by CODEDOG ND
Ship's speed might be a problem.  It is not as appealing when you have bombers capable of speeds of 70 and 80 m/s w/o the afterburn.  What should be done about that?

Shivan hybrids are ok, just might not be wise to have like 5 shivan hybrids though.

Well, the idea is that all GTVA ships now use modified Shivan technology...notsofar as they are cobbled together from maras and whatnot, but they use modified Shivan reactors, adapted Shivan weaponry, etc.  the Shivans are more maneuverable, so there's defienately something to be taken...the main way it would affect ship design is by deciding what bits of Shivan craft have a special purpose / design, nd trying to apply that to a Terran design...  the same way as the Ulysses is a hybrid, but is definately terran.

Oh, and I don;t think speed matters... turning time and possible sliding might... generally, you could explain away the lack of faster ships with more energy intensive weapons, or even jump drives that require extra stabilising power.....

I'm just interesting in seeing this WIP storyline ;)