You know what you came for: link will be gone...soon.
Standard fare from me, meaning no tables. Should be easy enough to whip up yourself, I hope.
good luck, have fun, don't die.
Droid803 is not responsible for any deaths occurring related to this model, particularly not deaths resulting from being mangled on the rotator.
You remember when I said
Have some standards. Don't use outdated [sic] with bad mapping unless you're going to fix it.
these less than kind words to someone? I still stand by them, because it is the truth.
However, after saying those words I realized I was still using
this horrible eldritch abomination.Low poly, tilemapped, and a kitbash of some oldass model from some model dump and solcommand's narlokian jumpgate. Further more, when I made it I was an utter moron and bevelled/extruded bits without adjusting the mapping resulting in horrible texture stretching.
Clearly, this wouldn't do...but what now? I already called someone out! I don't have time for modelling and doing everything else I have to do for university! But if I release anything in it not only will I be releasing something with a horrible abomination in it, I'd be a huge hypocrite.
Then I remembered how
AWESOME I am, and how
AWESOME my buddies AndrewofDoom and Hades are.
So I started something...

Ok, cleaned up the rotator so it isn't a bunch of blocks stacked on each other. Better, but not good enough. It's a start....
In the second pic, I Re-made the front. Still looks off. Decided to go screw originality, copy steve-o. BUT IT STILL LOOKED WEIRD. So I decided to use MAGIC (A.K.A. friends
because frenship is majik)

suddenly it was cleaned up UV mapped, textured and in game, JUST LIKE THAT! After exchanging the model a good 5-6 times between the 3 of us. WHEEEEEEE~
And then It struck me:
HOT DAMN, WE'RE GOOD AT THIS.<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3's to AndrewofDoom and Hades for...doing most of the work.
I just started it, and UV mapped it. Couldn't have done it without their help~
You can think of it as a
Baby Narayana. Maybe one day it will grow up and be badass like its mommy, but for now it'll just be food for bigger, scarier ships, like how all fish start out. D'AWW HOW CUTE, EXCEPT ITS STILL TRYING TO MAUL YOU WITH ITS RAILGUN.
I think of it more of as a a proto-ship for those lovely Steve-O capships, as I have a purpose for one. It's intended as a (horribly obsolete) older model which is horrendously underarmed for its size.
This will be featured in my up coming mod, Green Planet: Chlorine Gas Kills EVERY WHALE in the Solar System.
To be released
SOON. So just wait.

So, the lesson today is...
DOn't post when You have ExAms and Are DRUNk.