Um, holy crap. Somewhere along the line I decided 1 kill per mission just wasn't enough.
You had one of the lowest TU totals on the team, so I basically went "screw this we're giving every kill to Kyad so he TUs up" and for several missions you did most of the door breaches and got most of the kills. didn't get as many TUs as I'd hoped, but it was enough. Towards the end the TUs per kill gain seemed to fall away from the 1 for 1 or 2 for 1 it has in the beginning, which was why swashmebuckle and Scourge of Ages ended up going to Mars with so few despite my efforts to bring their TUs up for about a month.
I do have one quesiton - what is the brains plea anyway?
It basically claims that humans are descended from Martian civilization and that if only you'll stay your hand it'll give the ability to go to the stars and you can't kill me you're a part of me and blah blah blah.
However, the entire sequence seems somewhat contrived after the people it's talking to have already seen twenty-five of their buddies killed and fought this thing for eleven months, so I just skipped over it pleading because it's not like we'd listen anyways.