Author Topic: Dimensional Eclipse Discussion Thread (original release thread)  (Read 202058 times)

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Dam, you with the reconnaissance mission. ^^
I don't manage to scan the sensor of the first ship. I freeze the first probe, but the second one doesn't want to go a little farther so I could scan the last subsystem of the ship. And I don't wanna skip this mission. How do you finish this mission ?

As far as I remember I freezed the second probe (B) for two of the subsystems (sensors was one of them) cause probe B's distance to them is too low. Probe A gets far enough for a short time to complete a scan, but it felt like the error margin for the player is really low to get these scans. Died trying it at least two times...
Here goes scripting and copy paste coding
Freespace RTS Mod
Checkpoint/Shipsaveload script


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Basically you want to freeze Detector B for subsystems closer to the rear end of the Anthracene and A for those who are closer to the front.

If you're having trouble understanding what I'm trying to say, here's a video to help you out.
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline qwadtep

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
The recon mission could use some fine-tuning, I think.

There's no checkpoint after the Amaterasu's engines, no distance indicator for the probe in stasis so you don't release it while still in detection range by mistake, escaping to restealth after detection is almost impossible due to point defense turrets and doesn't seem to work even if you do. The LODs for the Amaterasu's Engine04 are bugged and cause it to lose detail at close i.e. scanning range. Personally I think that the sensors are waaay too close together, there's nowhere that I can really just stasis and scan and enjoy the satisfaction of HA HA I'M IN A STEALTH FIGHTER YOU CAN'T SEE ME.

Final mission just crashed the same way M05 did. Time to check the new build.


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
The recon mission could use some fine-tuning, I think.

there's nowhere that I can really just stasis and scan and enjoy the satisfaction of HA HA I'M IN A STEALTH FIGHTER YOU CAN'T SEE ME.

You think you can have it that easy so close to the end of the campaign? :p
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline qwadtep

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
I'm in a stealth fighter! Let me have fun with my stealth ;_; Well, it's still leagues better than any other scanning mission I can think of, so kudos.


Other than that the music is still too loud and I wasn't able to reproduce the black screen thing with any of the two builds.

I think I just accidentally the whole universe

[attachment deleted by ninja]


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Oh hey, there's the Transcendent doing his thing. I've run into that issue before, but I have no idea what's causing it (besides that it's HYPERSPACE doing it). It's an engine issue, something out of my controll. :(
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline qwadtep

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Probably an obscure NaN or something like what happened with Ken. Oh well.

Because of the bait and switch finishing the campaign returns you to the FS2 mainhall, I guess.

Just to be sure, the GNXR weapons are supposed to be specific to... that one interceptor that looks kind of like a Loki, right?


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Just to be sure, the GNXR weapons are supposed to be specific to... that one interceptor that looks kind of like a Loki, right?

The Selkie? The particle cannon and rifle are compatible with a few other ships, namely the Rynex and the Ray IV.
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline Jellyfish

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Well, I finally finished. Say, was
killing off Erika, Chisa, Melissa and Sora
really necessary?
Other than that, it was spectacular. More campaigns should feature Demetori, BTW.
"A weapon is only as powerful as its wielder. With this weapon, you'll be but an annoyance, which would greatly dishonor it. With this weapon, I can change history. With me, this weapon can shape the universe."


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Well, I finally finished. Say, was
killing off Erika, Chisa, Melissa and Sora
really necessary?
Other than that, it was spectacular. More campaigns should feature Demetori, BTW.

No, it wasn't.
I have no excuses. Except that I possibly still have plans for them.


Offline Jellyfish

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
So they aren't?
"A weapon is only as powerful as its wielder. With this weapon, you'll be but an annoyance, which would greatly dishonor it. With this weapon, I can change history. With me, this weapon can shape the universe."

Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Did we ever find bodies? :P
17:37:02   Quanto: I want to have sexual intercourse with every space elf in existence
17:37:11   SpardaSon21: even the males?
17:37:22   Quanto: its not gay if its an elf

[21:51] <@Droid803> I now realize
[21:51] <@Droid803> this will be SLIIIIIGHTLY awkward
[21:51] <@Droid803> as this rich psychic girl will now be tsundere for a loli.
[21:51] <@Droid803> OH WELLL.

See what you're missing in #WoD and #Fsquest?

[07:57:32] <Caiaphas> inspired by HerraTohtori i built a supermaneuverable plane in ksp
[07:57:43] <Caiaphas> i just killed my pilots with a high-g maneuver
[07:58:19] <Caiaphas> apparently people can't take 20 gees for 5 continuous seconds
[08:00:11] <Caiaphas> the plane however performed admirably, and only crashed because it no longer had any guidance systems


Offline qwadtep

  • 28
Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Well, I finally finished. Say, was
killing off Erika, Chisa, Melissa and Sora
really necessary?
Other than that, it was spectacular. More campaigns should feature Demetori, BTW.

No, it wasn't.
I have no excuses. Except that I possibly still have plans for them.
Oh god.

This is where you were going with the Askaeldians' techroom entry, isn't it? And Erika's?


Offline jr2

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
OK, tried r8688.  No HUD... ok, that's weird.  So I went back to r8670.  Still no HUD.

Then I remembered that I put in fsq-hdg.tbm.  I'm running 1600x900 resolution, so I am 16:9 ... disabled the file by renaming it with a .disabled extension.

Now I have my HUD back.

Opened the file.

Apparently, some comments had a carriage return included, so that the comment was split (part comment and part not comment).

$Load Retail Configuration: No      ; If set to Yes, FSO will load any missing gauges necessary to

complete the FS1/FS2 retail configuration.
                           ; If field is not present, FSO will

default this to Yes.
;$Max Escort Ships:

;$Length Unit Multiplier:

;$Wireframe Targetbox:

;$Lock Wireframe Mode:

$Reticle Style: FS2

; The following is a widescreen example HUD. If the user does not select a resolution matching the below

parameters, FSO will not use this HUD and move on to the next configuration
#Gauge Config
   $Base:   (1366,768)               
      ; Custom gauge syntax
         ;Gauge Type:
         ; (Possible values for Gauge Type include LEAD_INDICATOR, ORIENTATION_TEE,





         ; Slew:
         ; Filename:
   $End Gauges

; Any wide screen resolutions not between 1280x720 and 1920x1080 will get a blank HUD since the bottom config

will only apply to any Full Screen resolutions

#Gauge Config
   $Base: (1024, 768)               
         Position: (170, 170)
      +Target Brackets:          ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and

Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
      +Lead Indicator:
      +Lock Indicator:
      +Offscreen Indicator:
      +Hostile Triangle:
         Position: (512, 387)
   $End Gauges


Offline Jellyfish

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
This is where you were going with the Askaeldians' techroom entry, isn't it? And Erika's?

Do I hear 'more catgirls'? Because I'm in.
"A weapon is only as powerful as its wielder. With this weapon, you'll be but an annoyance, which would greatly dishonor it. With this weapon, I can change history. With me, this weapon can shape the universe."


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
OK, tried r8688.  No HUD... ok, that's weird.  So I went back to r8670.  Still no HUD.

Then I remembered that I put in fsq-hdg.tbm.  I'm running 1600x900 resolution, so I am 16:9 ... disabled the file by renaming it with a .disabled extension.

Now I have my HUD back.

Opened the file.

Apparently, some comments had a carriage return included, so that the comment was split (part comment and part not comment).


Is this in Kolgena's HUD table he posted a few pages back?


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
Took a good look at the hud gauges table that was part of release, and I don't see anything that would show error, else I would have gotten something when I ran it quickly through the debug build before I shipped it to Droid for release.
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon

Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
This is where you were going with the Askaeldians' techroom entry, isn't it? And Erika's?

Do I hear 'more catgirls'? Because I'm in.
According to a chat with Andrew and Droid on IRC, they pulled Erika's sprite off the Internet or something, which is why she's in beachwear.  If you want more catgirls in the sequel, ask Spoon if he'll draw some.
17:37:02   Quanto: I want to have sexual intercourse with every space elf in existence
17:37:11   SpardaSon21: even the males?
17:37:22   Quanto: its not gay if its an elf

[21:51] <@Droid803> I now realize
[21:51] <@Droid803> this will be SLIIIIIGHTLY awkward
[21:51] <@Droid803> as this rich psychic girl will now be tsundere for a loli.
[21:51] <@Droid803> OH WELLL.

See what you're missing in #WoD and #Fsquest?

[07:57:32] <Caiaphas> inspired by HerraTohtori i built a supermaneuverable plane in ksp
[07:57:43] <Caiaphas> i just killed my pilots with a high-g maneuver
[07:58:19] <Caiaphas> apparently people can't take 20 gees for 5 continuous seconds
[08:00:11] <Caiaphas> the plane however performed admirably, and only crashed because it no longer had any guidance systems


Offline Sombre

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
I don't mean to be rude but the way this was released and the general 'ANNOUNCEMENT: ANNOUNCEMENT' thing was a really stupid idea. To sum up what happened:

1. A clearly silly april 1st thread announcing an announcement is made
2. The actual announcement is then made, right after this, with almost exactly the same topic name
3. Part of that announcement is revealed to be fake (a lot of people already assumed all of it was fake)
4. The loliquest derailment (which I admit involvement in, my bad) in the thread causes it to be split off as /another/ joke topic
5. Ashen Wings, one of the campaigns in the announcement thread, goes up
6. Ashen Wings turns out to be a bait and switch and the topic is changed to be about the actual campaign, Dimensional Eclipse, which was never mentioned in the original announcement shenanigans

Clearly a lot of work was put into Dimensional Eclipse. Presumably you would like people to play and enjoy it. Maybe there are other campaigns in the announcement announcement announcement stuff that actually exist and you would like people to anticipate and eventually play.

So all the confusion and weirdness is actually a fairly major barrier. Until just recently I assumed this whole thing was also fake and that thought was strengthened by the people who were hit by the bait and switch.

I know it's fun to mess around with people and it being your content you can choose to release it however you want. But the way you've gone about it seems pretty counterproductive from my admittedly insignificant point of view.

PS. How near is loliquest to completion?


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Re: RELEASE: 次元のエクリプス - Dimensional Eclipse
This is where you were going with the Askaeldians' techroom entry, isn't it? And Erika's?

Do I hear 'more catgirls'? Because I'm in.
According to a chat with Andrew and Droid on IRC, they pulled Erika's sprite off the Internet or something, which is why she's in beachwear.  If you want more catgirls in the sequel, ask Spoon if he'll draw some.

ALL character art is pulled from elsewhere, because neither me nor Droid have the talents in the drawn side of art, especially of the organic side of things. Where the art comes from is all stated in the credits table.

I know it's fun to mess around with people and it being your content you can choose to release it however you want. But the way you've gone about it seems pretty counterproductive from my admittedly insignificant point of view.

Well, you can blame Axem me for all that. Promise I won't do it again, since I'm betting on people not falling for a trick like that again. :P

PS. How near is loliquest to completion?

This IS Loliquest. The name was changed literally hours before release because of a suggestion from a tester.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 01:14:20 pm by AndrewofDoom »
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon