I'm not repeating. I'm elaborating. Everyone tells me those things are not important, I'm arguing that they are.
Anyway, I've found another couple of problems, in the last mission of the 2nd chapter. This time they're quite severe.
FSO has a weapon limit of 700 at the time and 300 polygon models at the time. In this mission, once the furball began, you managed to hit one (or both) of those limits. Apparently, making a swarm missile that spawns swarm missiles, then giving it to every AI in the mission seemed like a good idea. Not exactly. Not to mention the initial furball is terribly unbalanced and very luck-based. I've noticed very few differences between Instane and Hotshot, barring how many hits I could take (yes, you're hitting those limits on Hotshot as well). Not to mention Megan's beam weapon sometimes took out my weapons subsystem, on other occasions I almost couldn't fire weapons because of object limits. On Insane, both cases were death sentence.
After the furball is over, I've noticed a strange slowdown (despite only 3 ships on screen), which disappears after one of the hostile frigates is destroyed. Another problem is, the friendly cruiser doesn't resupply you as advertised, it only repairs your hull. Meaning you might well be out of Yaris at a crucial moment, and going against a Hyperion with your guns is not a good idea. Also, I've frequently got knocked into the cruiser's bays by a shockwave and got stuck in there. They're just too small for the Blizzard. It should be possible to FRED a failsafe for such situations.