Oh oops, sorry I went off on holidays the day this was posted, so I'm only seeing this now! I intended to necro this thread when I got back anyway, so this works out nicely.
But yeah I do still make these.
If anyone is interested, send me a PM with what ship model(s) and you would like, and your preferred bow to stern length and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Firstly, I have a 20cm, (8inch) MVP Orion and stand for sale if anyone is interested?
The fella who asked me to make it sadly seems to have vanished without a trace, so it's currently at the painter's awaiting an owner before it can be painted and make the jump through the local post office node.
Secondly, I had hoped for some new painted pics, but the painter has been incredibly busy over these past few months so I'll just have to show my own amateur unpainted pics instead:
Lucifer and to-scale retail OrionEven bigger than the Sathanas, these two models were a bit of a nightmare to print and assemble (the stern of the lucifer practically killed the printer, though the model itself only needed some gap filler to get the surfaces back to rights). The Lucifer came in at about 30cm (12inches).
Wall mountingAn idea from Cobra, this ended up working really well!
So yeah - future orders can choose whether they want a stand or wall mount.