Author Topic: Just Another Day Development Blog  (Read 309382 times)

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Offline Commander Zane

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Could the script be done in a way that applies the effect when a specific ship is being used? Slap that on a ship with high inertia and trigger the effect at high speed for drifty goodness.

Impractical? Probably. I'd still use it though.

Why no, I'm not trying to lobby for a space AE86 or anything. Not at all.


Offline CKid

Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Anna's ship is pretty drifty, just have it swap colours to black and white during her zen mode. I'd fly the **** out of that ship.  :nod:
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong


Offline Axem

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Could the script be done in a way that applies the effect when a specific ship is being used? Slap that on a ship with high inertia and trigger the effect at high speed for drifty goodness.

Impractical? Probably. I'd still use it though.

Why no, I'm not trying to lobby for a space AE86 or anything. Not at all.

Pretty easy actually. If you can find a model of an AE86 (with the right re-use rights), I might slip it in as an Easter Egg. ;)

Anna's ship is pretty drifty, just have it swap colours to black and white during her zen mode. I'd fly the **** out of that ship.  :nod:

Technically her fighter does turn Black and Blue/White in Zen mode... but not quite in the same way as the AE86 would be...


Offline Darius

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Is it too late to have this as the soundtrack?


Offline Axem

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
It's never too late for love.

While we're on the subject of cool Cruel Angel Thesis tracks, this one is pretty nice. I included it with JAD:XA but I don't think I actually ever used it.

Everyone, post your cool covers/remixes you find!

Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Speaking of Cruel Angel's Thesis remixes...

Everything is better with more eurobeat.

(new race level track pls?)
[19:31] <MatthTheGeek> you all high up on your mointain looking down at everyone who doesn't beam everything on insane blindfolded


Offline Axem

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
I've split-locked the weird posts out of this thread. Let's not let it hamper things like fun and super fun.

FrikgFeek: That's the nearly same track Darius posted (just no vocaloid). :p Or are you guys trying to really really push that track in? ;)

Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Well, it's the original :P

(also yeah, I kinda didn't notice because I took a long remix walk around youtube and after 5 hours ended up at almost the same place I started. My ears were so full of CAT remixes that I forgot what the track Darius posted sounds like)


And yeah, that track should totally be in!
[19:31] <MatthTheGeek> you all high up on your mointain looking down at everyone who doesn't beam everything on insane blindfolded


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
It's never too late for love.

Everyone, post your cool covers/remixes you find!

Any and all?

It's my favourite thing in a while.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline ngld

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Offline niffiwan

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog

Thank you sir, for a very amusing start to Monday :)
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline Axem

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog

Come on and jam


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline DahBlount

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Gentlemen, my life is on the line here (ADMIN ABUSE) pls halp.
<Axem> yet still more insightful than #hard-light

<Axem> jad2.23 will just be cat videos

<DahBlount> So
<DahBlount> JAD2.2 is like that
<Axem> maybe
<Axem> it can be whatever you like!
<DahBlount> A Chocolate Sundae?
<Axem> sure

My models: GTF Gilgamesh - GTD Nuadha [Redesigning] - Ningirama [WIP] - GTG Zephyrus


Offline Axem

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
So it's been 4 months since JAD2.22 was released, and naturally I'm sure everyone is just dying to know what will happen next…!


I'm assuming anyway.

So first allow me to talk super generally about modding and me. It's gotten to be super tiring and it's becoming more of a chore than a fun hobby now. I spend way too much time on absurdly over-complex events and perfecting details that passes the player by in 4 seconds instead of having fun and being productive in a net-positive manner (aka not redoing missions all the time). I still have a patch to push out to fix a few mostly minor residual issues and even that feels like a monumental undertaking at the moment.

That all means Just Another Day 2.23 will be the final JAD campaign and will probably be my last campaign overall (as a solo effort anyway). Now I'm sure you're thinking "oh, I'm sure this finale will be pretty awesome with the most imaginative and innovative gameplay ever to grace FreeSpace that Axem has been saving up". Uh, yeah. Probably not.

JAD2.23 is all mapped and outlined out right now and at best case, there are 3 flyable missions with a boatload of VN scenes, or worst case, a single flyable mission and a planetload of VN scenes (where those missing flyable missions would just become cutscenes/more VN scenes depending if I can't deliver the flyable missions).

I had plans to do a lot more, but looking at the original plans, if I did them as intended, it would probably take me years and years. Who knows if I'd be able to make it before FreeSpace 3 really comes out (or the franchise is bought out by EA and rebooted into a MOBA F2P e-sports game). I know JAD is known for the original and silly-fun missions you all love, but JAD2.23 is going to be dedicated to wrapping everything up.

Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. But despite all this depressing text above, we're not headed for End of Evangelion levels of ruin and "wtf did I just play". It might be the logical way forward, since you know, Evangelion, but there's already enough FreeSpace campaigns about doom and gloom and unknowable cosmic forces and the insignificance of man. JAD's always gone in the direction of "absurd happy fun" and telling off unknowable cosmic forces because they're gloomy jerks, so it'll end that way.

My current work right now is helping Spoon with Wings of Dawn, so there won't be any real dev blog updates for another long while.

But just to give you something, here's what will be answered/explained/shown in JAD2.23…

  • The secret of Alpha 1 (who is a lot closer than everyone thinks)
  • The secret of FRED and the Beta Testers (with amazing amounts of metaphilosophical mumbo jumbo)
  • STEELE's True Identity (no, it's not me) and Ultimate Plans
  • Recipe for some awesome cookies (seriously, you'll love them)
  • The exciting lineage of the Eschenitzsholkphf family line
  • Something about Alex
  • Something about Epsilzzzzzzzzzz...
  • Delta 1's most dangerous and hidden secret (The one that isn't that he likes teen girl pop music)
  • Anna's most dangerous and hidden secret (The one that isn't that she likes the original Silent Threat)
And most importantly…

  • Holley's first kiss (and all the gory mushy details)

So in the meantime, you can discuss or guess that stuff, or continue to post neat anime music remixes. It's all good. :)


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog


Offline redsniper

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
"Think about nice things not unhappy things.
The future makes happy, if you make it yourself.
No war; think about happy things."   -WouterSmitssm

Hard Light Productions:
"...this conversation is pointlessly confrontational."

Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Having the finale done with significantly less fidelity and a lot more talking is really fitting for the whole Evangelion theme you've got going with JAD. So even if things didn't work out as originally planned you still managed to make an Evangelion joke with the development cycle.
[19:31] <MatthTheGeek> you all high up on your mointain looking down at everyone who doesn't beam everything on insane blindfolded


Offline Axem

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
Well I guess there's that. :drevil:

Worst comes to worse, I pull a Gunbuster and have everything in black and white with very rough sketches for action sets.

Worstest comes to worsest, I pull a fist of the borf star.


Offline JSRNerdo

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Re: Just Another Day Development Blog
  • Recipe for some awesome cookies (seriously, you'll love them)

I guarantee you I will try this recipe out IRL if you release this
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.