Wait, what? Does that mean that the contents of [url ] [/url ] tags are sanitised somehow?
Both [url]...[/url] and [url=...]...[/url] tags have basic sanitization and validation, including adding http:// to the beginning if it's missing, stripping out certain strings and chars, etc. Also, what Goob said about merely linking vs. embedding.
(and @ the Goober & jr2 replies)
Yeah - I get it now, thanks for the enlightenment, I missed the no-interaction vs must-click issue
I was just thinking that it's pretty easy to phish someone just by having fairly arbitrary linking ability. i.e. post a meme [img] with a [url] link around it to some site that hosts drive-by malware. Of course, regulars that do that would have the ban hammer dropping on them, and I'd hope that most people around here would be smart enough not to click on any link or image posted by one of the few spam[mers|bots] that get through.
Anyway, you ain't going to add it and that's fine by me
Just one other thing - the youtube time tag is awesome
Is it possible to add this to the wiki as well? (so you don't need this sort of comment above the vid?)