Current Turn: 15
Sol Force: 4/4
1st Fleet - under the command of Vice Admiral Dovorek Iera (CommanderDJ) on the flagship
Hand of Absolution (Master in Logistics)
2nd Fleet - under the command of Vice Admiral Xeus L. Fremont (X3N0-Life-Form) on the flagship
Swift (Master in Logistics)
3rd Fleet - under the command of Vice Admiral Aaron Soryu (mobcdmoc3) on the flagship
Sovereign (Aggressive leader)
4th Fleet - 'Battlegroup 11' under the command of Vice Admiral Jason Windforce (Jellyfish) on the flagship
Firelance (Breakthrough Specialist)
Delest Defense: 3/3
1st Fleet - 'Fist of Silva' under the command of Fleet Admiral Jason Ralwood (AdmiralRalwood) on the flagship
Aurora (Inspirational Leader, Aggressive leader)
2nd Fleet - under the command of Fleet Admiral Georgiy Kuznetsov (Admiral MS) on the flagship
Nova (Inspirational Leader, Master of Logistics)
3rd Fleet - under the command of High Fleet Admiral Ivan Dimitrievic Kalazonitov (Enioch) on the flagship
Katyusha (Inspirational Leader, Master in Logistics, Breakthrough Specialist)
Commonwealth Royal Fleet: 4/4
1st Fleet - under the command of Fleet Admiral Veers on the flagship
Silver Arrow (Aggressive leader, Master in Logistics)
2nd Fleet - under the command of Fleet Admiral Lorric on the flagship
Soaring Spirit (Master in Logistics, Breakthrough Specialist)
3rd Fleet - 'Task Force 765' under the command of Vice Admiral Hilda Alcott (Hartzaden) on the flagship
Hood (Aggressive Leader)
4th Fleet - under the command of Vice Admiral Carlos Santiago (Lepanto)
on the flagship St. Louis IX (Aggressive leader, Master of Logistics)
United Guilds of Commerce Regulars: 2/2
1st Fleet - 'The Feather Ones' under the command of Fleet Admiral Andrew Bradwater (Andrewofdoom) on the flagship
Garuda (Aggressive leader, Master in Logistics)
2nd Fleet - 'The 88's' under the command of Fleet Admiral Yuen Ah Luc (niffiwan) on the flaghship
Inevitably Successful in All Circumstances (Master in Logistics, Breakthrough Specialist)
League Star Forces: 2/2
1st Fleet - under the command of Rear Admiral SpardaSon21 on the flagship
Dire Wolf2nd Fleet - 'The Stormlords' under the command of Rear Admiral Augustus Corvus (Dragon) on the flagship ScimitarCyrvan Star Armada: 1/1
1st Fleet - under the command of Admiral Freyalis Elsperth Almereya (Droid803) on the flagship
Ataraxia (Breakthrough Specialist)