Bem CavalgarBem Cavalgar is a campaign set during the Shivan invasion of Vasuda in the Great War. The story follows a group of loyalist Vasudan officers who stay behind to defend their homeworld and the evacuating civilians.
You play as both Captain Senbi, leader of the loyalists, and as an unnamed fighter pilot, Azriel 1.
InstallationBem Cavalgar requires the Freespace Port 3.4, the FSPort MediaVPs and the MediaVPs 3.6.12 to function.
Make a folder in your root FS2 directory and unpack everything there. Select 'Bem Cavalgar' via your FSOpen launcher.
LoadoutNote that loadout is persistent across the campaign. At the moment (v1) it's set during the introductory cutscene at the start of the campaign and doesn't change afterwards; the exact number of ships and weapons you get is tied to the difficulty.
Play the introductory cutscene on Very Easy to get a full choice of ships and weapons. Play on higher difficulties to have your stocks proportionately reduced.
CreditsFreespace Port - all Freespace 1 content
Freespace Upgrade Project - strategic map ships based on their models
Black Wolf - Abydos installation
Trashman - Vasudan corvette
Ransom Arceihn - Comship model
Blue Planet - fonts, AI
Ben Prunty - Faster Than Light music (Federation and Last Stand)
David Nicolle - furusiyya translation
This campaign owes additional debts to:
Blue Planet
Ransom Arceihn