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Hilda sat on her flag bridge, her mission today is simple. drive the hertac out of sol at any cost. she had a nigh imposable task ahead of her. crushing the hertac under her heel would be one of the hardest things she and her novice crew would ever do. it had to be done. taking what time she had to think as the drives recharged form the jump into the system. looking around she could see and feel the fear of her crew. and who could blame them for the being afraid. they knew what she was about to ask,

Hilda Alcott  stood up and keyed fleet wide communications

"sons and daughters of terra, proud knights of Britannia, today is the day of our trial by fire, today we go headfirst into hell."

*Hilda paused for a moment*

"i know what your feeling. i ask you to put aside any lingering doubt about what is to happen today. for i can tell you all right here and right now the outcome of our struggles. today we clear the blue skys of our beloved earth from the monsters who would try to snuff out the flames of hope in our hears. we will destroy them, we will drive them form Sol, we will push them form Terran space, we will push them out of the stars themselves. we will chase them down until there is no place left for them to run to. we will extinguish them, every last one of them.

Hilda pauses for a moment again.

"third fleet, we will be the light that drives out the darkness. now onward, helm set a course for sol, all hands shock jump stations"

the 3ed fleet arrived at sol moments later, ships barely even making it out of subspace before opening up with all weapons batterys. 

Hilda opened up the coms on all known hertac com channels.

"I'm going to give you one choice, you will die, if you run i will chase you down to the ends of time itself. i will find where you hide. and i will kill you, your children, and the rest of your misbegotten race."

Hilda looks up at the overview of the battlefield and rests her hand on her sword and screams*

"So make this quick and die!"

with one quick motion she drew her sword, pointing it at the lead hertac ship. moments later the fleets main beam cannons roared to life.


Offline Veers

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Re: Forum game: RP thread
System: Fomalhaut
Time: T-2 to 2nd Fura&Zy Assault

Alq watched the unfolding formalities from his quarters, the shuttle had touched down and the honour guard of 1st Fleet Marines were taking their positions to escort the arriving Officers and Dignitaries. Why they had bothered to come now was beyond him, Alq secretly hoped however...

That they had even the smallest idea what they were getting themselves into.

He opened his last message, setting it to play as he straightened out his uniform. Alq pondered over his choice of the standard command uniform against his elegant dress uniform that such situations usually demanded, but dismissed the thought quickly, focusing on the visuals that were unfolding from his latest message from Admiral Lorric, 2nd CRF.

While there was a message, everything was more focused towards a certain image. Hard to describe.., but it was somewhat comical. Two little figures, both appearing to wear an adaptation of the CRF Command uniform, in deep discussion.

The conversation appeared and faded quickly in little bubbles until a quote appears that both characters looked at. The quote even detailed who originally said it so Alq didn't even have to remember it himself, before one of the little figures turned around and slapped the other silly, before storming off.

The loop began to play again before it was abruptly stopped, "Bloody Lorric again..., that was a 1st Fleet only communique, damnit" He muttered, running his hands through his hair. "It's all good and well that we don't hide anything from each other, but if he isn't careful we won't be hiding the fact we can listen to pretty much everyone else as well for much longer".

He grinned for a moment, it was mostly due to Lorric's unique... personality that the Allied Forces had encountered such success with the war, his insight on both tactical and strategic plans had been invaluable with coordinating the frontier defence against the incursion. But at least his humour remained within the CRF, Alq didn't want to imagine the press fallout he'd have to deal with if someone else took offence, completely accidentally of course.

He spun on his right heel and headed out towards the briefing room to meet the arriving staff and to inform them of the upcoming actions the fleet was to be involved in.

System: Polaris
Time: T+3 to 2nd Fura&Zy Assault

The reports were flooding in, the 1st CRF lead the assault into Polaris against the 2nd Fura&Zy fleet, and it was so far proving to be a success. The initial incursion went well, against stiff defencive resistance but the moment the 1st and 4th Sol Fleets transited into the system and the engagement, the enemy began to break apart left, right and centre.

"Battlegroup 3 is achieving gains against the flagship, her compliment is dwindling!"

"Compliments from Sol!" roared across the comm as two Fura vessels fractured before the SF flagship Hand of Absolution and the Silver Arrow, their compliment craft scattering and falling to the combined forces.

Their combined might overwhelmed all the defensive positions the Fura and Zy had erected in Polaris, the sheer amount of vessels and firepower they could bring to bear allowed them to pick and choose the entire course of the battle, and as a result, the enemy continued to fall. Eventually retreating deeper into Polaris, but essentially giving control back to the Allied Forces.

Time lost meaning for Alq after the initial incursion, all that registered now was the capture of the remaining Fura and Zy forces. They had failed to engage the subspace missile launch, but a heavy attack against the vulnerable fleet brought them to their knees.

Pondering the thought again, there was never any response from the 1st Zy when they some how arrived in Vega. Intelligence was able to report that the Zy were powerful, and could have been very similar to the Knights of Britannia regarding their loyalty and bravery. At least in Alq's mind anyway. He had hoped this would have allowed conversation between them then, and while it was much, much later in the war than originally wanted.

They were speaking now, with the remnants of the 2nd Fura&Zy being captured, Polaris returned to Allied control. The CRF handed over the transportation and security of the non-combatants to the 1st SF who were preparing to take them away from the recent combat zones and into more secure space. Allowing Alq to turn his attention towards Sol.

The Battle of Sol was barely beginning to turn in their favour, the surprise arrival of another 'super' fleet was bad enough, but slipping completely behind the front lines and attacking Sol directly, nearly completely unopposed was a demoralising shock to the entire Human species. The rushed defence resulted in severe casualties, but bought time for reinforcements and a concentrated defence to occur.

"Helm, take us towards the Sol lance." Nick said while grabbing a report from engineering. "We are to rejoin formation and cycle our drives at the lance."

"Nick, send the 2nd Battlegroup through the lance ahead of us. They will prepare initial flight ops and establish communications with Allied Forces as per our briefing. 1st and 3rd groups will then join them" Alq said as he joined Nick by the Helm, exchanging glances quickly, "It's fine Nick, Vice Admral Iera has the situation under control. We've been through enough capture operations already to know how it pans out, but we need to focus our attention on Sol now."

Nick seemed to grumble a little, his face said it though, not his words. They both walked to the side, just out of earshot of the nearest crew."With respect, you know I would have preferred to complete the operation ourselves, exactly like we have done before,... before shipping them off to Intelligence."

"Whether you trust Intelligence to treat them appropriately or not is of no help Nick, you know I was vocal when we were forced to release the Cordi to them. And while we have received valuable intelligence and knowledge since then. You know full well that we found out more while they were with us, and they were better treated!" he clenched his fist, nearly thumping it against the cold metal of the wall. "This fleet in Sol, it is cut off from reinforcement. It's our chance to bag the big guys. We are the only Fleet with the experience to pull this off, and these reports of 'new' technology... it is not something we can afford to miss."

Helm engaged the Silver Arrow's drives and they proceeded towards the Sol Lance, the soft vibrations were louder now. Such was the evident difference between Peace and Wartime pleasures.

System: Sol
Time: +7 Hours after Special Fleet forced from Earth Orbit

The lights slowly came on in the briefing room, neither Alq or Nick felt like speaking.. silence was golden, if only for a moment. The Silver Arrow and escort were orbiting Sol, while the rest of the Fleet continued engagements against the Her'tak.

"Sol took a beating didn't they, Sir?" one of the junior Officers pipped up. "They weren't very appreciative of the situation".

The map floating in front of them changed as Alq swiped his hand, "This was the strength of the Sol Defence Force prior to the incursion. This fleet had more pride than all of their front line forces together, and this is them now." the projected ships pretty much vanished, there was little left compared to before. The pride of Sol, their strongest and best. Held in reserve to portray the image of peace and security..." Alq paused, his hand removing his hat and scratching the back of his head, "resulted in this massacre." completed Nick.

The Sol Defence Fleet were little more than recruits against the Her'tak, sure the Sims were training. But it was nothing against the real deal, the Her'tak were wiping the floor until reinforcements arrived to challenge them and even the veteran fleets suffered heavy casualties in the initial challenges, just trying to stall the enemy advance even for a few moments so something resembling defence could be organised.

They pulled together in the end, and with the Her'tak suffering from being cut off from supplies and reinforcements, were forced away from Earth.

The door slid open, "Admiral!" shouted the Lieutenant, storming into the room before saluting those before him, "I think you need this Sir", handing Alq a report marked urgent.

From: Wing Commander Novak, "Glittering Angels", 2nd Battlegroup.
To: Captain Ward, 2nd Battlegroup
Priority: Urgent
Subject: Rear Line Engagement


Recent engagements successful. Her'tak fighters from harassing rear line units were force to withdraw or surrender. Proceeded with Capture Protocol H-031 as per Standing Orders.

Unable to complete mission, Surrendered units destroyed by Allied fighters from 3rd Fleet. Refused to accept my Stand-Down orders and all surrendered combatants were lost.

Sir, request Immediate confirmation of our Standing Orders and update regarding Treatment of Surrendered Hostiles, Status of 1st, 3rd and 4th Fleets orders and action regarding Violation of Fleet Protocols and Orders.

Wing Commander Novak
"Glittering Angels"

The message was then passed to Nick, and Alq.. appearing calm. Departed the room. The Lieutenant shook his head back and forth, obviously lost for what he was supposed to do next, Nick addressed him a few moments later. "Thank you Lieutenant, that will be all... I have a feeling it's under control now".

Not long afterwards, the message indicators began to flash. Signalling the arrival of a new message. It did began to flash not only for both Vice Admirals Alcott and Santiago of the 3rd and 4th CRF Fleets respectively, but also to the attention of all ranking Officers within Sol.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 09:20:33 am by Veers »
Current Activities/Projects: Ideas and some storyline completed.

ArmA 2&3 Mission Designer and player.

WoD - I like Crystal. <3


Offline Lepanto

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Re: Forum game: RP thread

1132 hours, Admiral's Ready Room, CRF St. George, Docked at A Qaua Bo Orbital Fortress, Mars Orbit

". . . sed libera nos a malo." Yes, deliver us from evil, Lord; people just keep making more of it.

Finishing his quick prayer, Santiago forced himself to take deep breaths. When he was as calm as he could manage, he looked back at the comm interface in his ready room. The incoming reports regarding 3rd Fleet's . . . activity were still very much real and present, even if he would have preferred to wish them away. Though he had a mountain of digital paperwork to go through, regarding the T.A.L mk. II's service record against Hertak marines and trying to find a dockyard in Sol capable of repairing his battered ships, it could wait for now.

Time to try and set things straight.



Admiral Veers,

Rest assured that when I heard the reports of 3rd Fleet units firing on surrendering enemy units, I was as shocked as you were. The 4th has been strictly following RoE and accepting all enemy surrenders; any personnel who have violated RoE have been summarily disciplined. I don't know what Alcott's playing at, but she's crossed the line. I know that, over a long period of conflict, soldiers will likely grow to hate their enemies; it's been a truism since the beginning of history. Still, that's no excuse for her conduct. We've been keeping records of our contact with 3rd Fleet units engaged in these slaughters; if Alcott gets court-martialed for this, and I personally would welcome such an outcome, the court will have plenty of evidence. My staff have reported these incidents to the top brass, per regulations, and are awaiting a response as I write this. The CRF won't lose its dignity like this, not when we've won the war, and at so much cost already.

Peace be with you,
Admiral Santiago




Admiral Alcott,

If you've forgotten which side of the war you're serving on, I'l be happy to remind you.

I've heard the reports; murdering defenseless, surrendering enemy soldiers? I don't know what notions were swirling through your head when you gave that order, or what your self-justifications might be, but you're violating both basic human decency and the code of honor which the CRF stands for. If you rescind that order immediately, before your men commit any more war crimes, you might save what's left of your career.

Admiral Carlos Santiago
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial


Offline Veers

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Re: Forum game: RP thread
System: Sol
From: Fleet Admiral Veers, 1st CRF. Ranking Allied Officer in Sol Theatre.
To: Admirals and Officers 1st, 3rd, 4th CRF.
Priority: Urgent
Subject: Rules of Engagement

To the Senior Staff, CRF, stationed in Sol,

The Unprovoked invasion of the Hertak into our space is nearing it's end. Our front-line fleets are mopping up the remaining units in Aldebaren and the fleet we are currently fighting here in Sol is at it's end, with her power dwindling and no chance of escape remaining.

I would like to remind you of your standing orders:-

- All Sol Forces are to defend population centres and civilians against any expected retaliation attacks, and to assist in the blockade of the lance to our core systems. At the discretion of the CRF.
- CRF Forces are to continue blockading the lances to Polaris, Lyrae and our core systems.
- CRF Forces are to continue attacks against the Hertak fleet.
- All surrendering forces are to be taken into custody and transferred to 1st Fleet.

As per Directive RoE-S-03 and Directive H-031, all surrendering forces are to be taken into custody and to be transferred over to 1st Fleet until further arrangements are made for their secure transit to Intelligence.

I would like to remind you all, that we are Knights of Britannia, we are not some rabble of mercenaries or mindless soldiers. Your loyalty is not only to the Crown and to the Fleet, but to the Oaths you have taken. You fight with honour, and through that honour we find victory on the field of battle. The isolated reports I have received, regarding the... lack of loyalty within the ranks by firing on surrendered and captured craft is most...


Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll be frank. If we have the opportunity to capture any Hertak craft, the opportunity of any Hertak technology. We will take it, who knows what benefits we may gain from studying their technology and what intelligence we can gather from prisoners. But as you know, the Hertak are unlikely to surrender at all, and any opportunities that present themselves must be taken.

Any soldier who engages surrendered or captured craft will face a court-martial, any officer who orders such an attack will also face a court-martial. This will be provided by a CRF Military Court, may I remind you.. that this will not end favourably for you.

Clear your heads of this red mist, you are Soldiers of the CRF. We are the unwavering rock when all others fail, We are the first into the fray and the last to retreat, We are Soldiers of the Commonwealth. Start acting like it.

Fleet Admiral Veers
1st Commonwealth Royal Fleet
Ranking Allied Officer - Sol.

System: Sol
From: Fleet Admiral Veers, 1st CRF. Ranking Allied Officer in Sol Theatre.
To: Admirals and Officers of the Sol Defence Force
Priority: Urgent
Subject: Rules of Engagement

To the Senior Staff stationed in Sol,

The Unprovoked invasion of the Hertak into our space is nearing it's end. Our front-line fleets are mopping up the remaining units in Aldebaren and the fleet we are currently fighting here in Sol is at it's end, with her power dwindling and no chance of escape remaining.

I would like to remind you of your standing orders:-

- All Sol Forces are to defend population centres and civilians against any expected retaliation attacks, and to assist in the blockade of the lance to our core systems. At the discretion of the CRF.
- CRF Forces are to continue blockading the lances to Polaris, Lyrae and our core systems.
- CRF Forces are to continue attacks against the Hertak fleet.
- All surrendering forces are to be taken into custody and transferred to 1st Fleet.

As per Directive RoE-S-03 and Directive H-031, all surrendering forces are to be taken into custody and to be transferred over to 1st Fleet until further arrangements are made for their secure transit to Intelligence.

The Battle for Sol is nearly over, we will have time to debate, argue and place blame of how this could have been avoided later. But realise this, we cannot change what has happened but we can learn from it. So let's do so for the future.

Each of you fought bravely against an overwhelming attack force, bent on the destruction of Earth. Had you faltered in your duty, we would not be having this conversation now, I commend your dedication to your duty. If it was not for your defence, the fleets we rotated in and out of Sol would have been unable to weaken the Hertak to their current position, which we shall soon defeat.

There will be time to remember our fallen after the battle, until then. I expect all to remain at their stations and to carry out their duties.

Thank you,

Fleet Admiral Veers
1st Commonwealth Royal Fleet
Ranking Allied Officer - Sol.
Current Activities/Projects: Ideas and some storyline completed.

ArmA 2&3 Mission Designer and player.

WoD - I like Crystal. <3


Offline Lepanto

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Re: Forum game: RP thread


Admiral Alcott,

I apologize for sending my last communique in undue haste, before I had fully investigated the situation. If you had no responsibility for your men's actions, than I am deeply sorry, as a CRF officer and as a human being. Nevertheless, I would request that you keep an exceptionally tight watch on your men, to ensure that no further atrocities occur.

On the other hand, if your men were acting on your orders, than I reiterate every statement I made before. If I find any evidence confirming that you ordered any massacres of surrendering enemy combatants, then I will immediately report it to the very top.

Admiral Carlos Santiago
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial


Offline Flak

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Re: Forum game: RP thread
"Citizens of Sol and the neighboring systems of Grens and Lyrae were relieved after the bloody fighting with the Hertak fleet near the Earth orbit finally comes to an end. The Britannian forces finally brought the once massive fleet that also carried a large number of mysterious fighters and frigates armed with never before seen weaponry to their knees. The survivors of the fleet have surrendered and are being brought in for questioning under supervision of CRF's Fleet Admiral Veers."

"There were also unconfirmed reports of some CRF units firing at surrendering Hertak vessels. Some suggests that there were miscommunications between the fleets, so far the CRF have neither confirmed nor denied the allegations."

"Another uncomfirmed reports from undisclosed sources also indicated that the Admiral of the 1st LSF had apparently gone missing, leading to the question of who or what is giving them the orders, especially after their recent successful operation against the Nordera in Vega. The LSF authorities have not issued a statement."

"On a related news, archivists in Sol thought that they uncovered a highly controversial UEU secret project that was apparently once based in Luna. Evidence suggests that the project had something to do with the mysterious ships brought by the Hertak fleet that invaded Sol. The UEU apparently did genetic engineering related surgeries on some selected individuals that apparently going to operate similar vessels. How the UEU managed to get their hands on such advanced vessels however, remains a mystery. Researchers in Kobra Corporation and Heinkel & Krauss GmbH have expressed interest in research of the captured vessels."

"The battle still continues around Aldebaran where the combined Alliance forces are hunting down what appears to be the fleet leading the invasion."

"From the Sol Union Network Studio, this is Tony Crimson."


Offline Lorric

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Re: Forum game: RP thread


Greetings my fellow Admirals and friends.

I have long been trying to put this out of my mind, the 2nd CRF is now back up to full strength and readying to return to the Aldebaran meat grinder once again, and I’ve been trying to focus on that and what’s in front of us, but I just can’t shake off thinking about events in Sol, so I’m going to have to get some thoughts off my chest about this before going back into battle.

This is not how the CRF handles business. My colleague Veers of the 1st CRF is a perfect example of how the CRF conducts business when faced with a beaten enemy, and has enhanced the reputation of the CRF with his fleet’s conduct, but now there is a threat to that reputation, and maybe our very humanity if this is allowed to spread.

At this stage we can’t know who gave the order. Or even if there was an order. I personally am absolutely confident if I tried to give such an order, each and every person in this fleet would tell me where to stick it. Certain things you just do not do, even if your CO is telling you to do it.

But the 2nd CRF hasn’t been through what the 3rd CRF has been through. Even the 4th CRF hasn’t been through what the 3rd CRF has been through. Both fleets were destroyed at the hands of the Hertak, but the 4th CRF was better prepared for it, while every vessel was destroyed, the casualties were a lot lighter, and Admiral Santiago survived. The 3rd CRF, it was a bloodbath. And how long was it before we even learned of their fate, before those scattered survivors were picked up? They lost most of the people they knew, along with their beloved admiral, and had to watch as more were killed in front of them, and had to float around in their escape pods for days on end unlike the members of the 4th CRF who were quickly recovered.

What would that do to those who survived? I’m not saying this couldn’t be Admiral Alcott’s work. Perhaps she gave the order, and those under her were all too willing to carry it out. Some of what I’ve seen reminds me of a mob mentality, when ordinary people can be incited, when the mob wants blood, and it can only take one person to start shedding that blood to set the whole mob into a frenzy of death and destruction. Even without the Admiral, all or nearly all those who survived will have been in the senior positions of the new fleet.

I had hoped that by waiting it out, the information would come to light about what really happened, and my input would not be needed, but we’re out of time, my fleet needs to be primed and ready for battle, so I had to bring the subject up. I trust both of you to do what needs to be done if this situation escalates. Admiral Alcott’s silence is suspicious and worrying, but perhaps she simply doesn’t know what to do. Before this happened, I would never have even contemplated that such a thing could occur from within a CRF fleet. Naturally I would attempt to stop it immediately, but war makes monsters of even the finest. This is all profoundly disturbing to me, and I don’t know where it is going to lead. I wish you both luck. Thankfully it looks like the “Special Fleet” has been all but eliminated as a threat, now down to mopping up last pockets of resistance. So soon you should be able to turn your full focus on this newest development.

It’s one thing knowing how I would deal with the problem if it was within my fleet, but with someone else’s fleet, what to do? Will we have to fire on our own, to protect those who came to slaughter us? Potentially even worse, what if there is an incident between the 3rd CRF and one of the Sol Fleets? A big part of me when I saw the battle dying down in Sol wished we of the 2nd CRF were there too. Just imagine it, the spectacle of the entire CRF in one place, and not just any place, orbiting Earth, defending our home World together… it was such a beautiful image I had held in my head… now, it suddenly has taken on a much darker appearance. Suddenly I’m glad the 2nd CRF isn’t there anymore. Suddenly, I’m glad for the battle ahead, for the simplicity of it, even if it is anything but easy. For the distinct black and white, for the clarity, the righteous certitude of what we must do, instead of the ugly shade of grey in Sol. What had once been such a clear distinction of light and darkness, right and wrong, has now turned to an obfuscating grey fog of uncertainty.

Good luck my fellow admirals and friends. Remember always what the CRF, what we, stand for, and you surely can’t go far wrong.

Fleet Admiral Lorric, 2nd CRF

Re: Forum game: RP thread

ADM 3FLT to ADM 1/2/4FLT

Ok so it seems like there has been some issue with my actions regarding the destruction of the hertak fleet in sole. the orders to wipe them out to the last man where mine.  i had given them the option of a unconditional surrender or death when i arrived in sol and thay did not take the offer that would have spared there lives. so i carryed on with what i had told them i would do. i would hunt them down and destroy them, i did so.  my men where not at falt for there actions. thay where all following my orders to the letter.  what bothers me more, is your insistence on extending human compassion to dogs who have shown our own people none of the same.  i can not, and will not, let the actions of the hertak go unawncered. to let them live after all they have done, is something that in all good conscience allow them to live after the crimes thay have committed. take this as you will.

also, not a single enemy ship, broadcasted to any of my fighters, that that had surrendered. as much as it feels wrong to say this, thay did die fighting like soldiers should. had they begged for there lives, which thay dident even as the last of them died, i would have recended my kill order. if thay did i can only say my men where to efficient in wiping them out before they had a chance to make it apparant.

as my logs record it, i had only learned of there "surrender" after the cessation of my combat operations, as for my long absence, i am not at liberty to discusses it with anyone below epsilon clearance.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 11:11:36 pm by Hartzaden »