Author Topic: FRED gamed mission  (Read 6652 times)

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I'll create a basic, Empty mission - background,  installation(s), node(s), asteroids, basic GTVA defense force, etc.

An "opponent" takes the part of the invading NTF. I will give a basic roster of available forces and primary objectives and restrictions.

I will act as the GTVA, with a reasonable, but hidden from NTF,  roster.

The purpose is not to "win" but to game out an interesting battle.

I now give the NTF player the Fred file - and they place and enact the initial NTF forces and moves - about 3 mins worth. 

They send me back the Fred file,  and I place the countering GTVA units and moves.

And so on, until the end.

Anyone interested?



Offline Rodo

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So we basically get a limited amount of forces and we're supposed to make a strategy out of them to get the best battle we can out of those?
el hombre vicio...

We can script our own forces,  but not the opposing. Actions such as boarding must use a random generator for success - eg, say 50% initial +5% for each subsystem destroyed on the target.

We can each have one WILD CARD,  anything, so long as it is not just more ships,  and is REASONABLY canon (ie No NTF version of the Colossus!).  A specialised ship is fine and an inventive, cool or smart ability is always welcome.


Offline Lepanto

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This sounds awesome! Count me in!
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial


Offline Rodo

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I will participate too, note that I might be a little slow depending on the amount of stuff I already have to do for other mods. If that's fine by you then count me in as well.
el hombre vicio...


It's probably best if I essentially Act as Games Master (or Battle Master?  :cool:).

I'll create the battle space and parameters and upload tomorrow evening.

As a basic guide,  the GTVA will have weak initial forces,  strong reinforcement. The NTF will have a  very strong initial force,  low reserves.

Before I send the file I'll ask you to PM me your WILD CARD idea. It must be fairly canon,  not massively hard to implement and reasonable in scope.  If there is a dispute I will ask a 3rd party of appropriate experience and knowledge to weigh in.

Choose your sides gentlemen.
First post in wins.


Offline Lorric

  • 212
I wish I cold join, but my monitor is busted, so I can't access my machine. I'll be interested to see how this goes.


Offline Lepanto

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Again, count me in.

So, if I understand correctly, you've changed it so that both sides will be controlled by players? Sign me up for the NTF side. Hail Neo-Terra!  ;)
"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."
Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

Blue Planet: The Battle Captains: Missions starring the Admirals of BP: WiH
Frontlines 2334+2335: T-V War campaign
GVB Ammit: Vasudan strike bomber
Player-Controlled Capship Modding Tutorial

Great,  Lepanto (very appropriate name) is NTF.


Offline Rodo

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I'll do GTVA then I suppose?
el hombre vicio...

Correct  :nod:

A new thread dedicated to this is setup now,  named Operation Dynamic.

This sets out the basic background and mission details; it's also where I will upload the fs2 file.


Offline crizza

  • 210
Best luck guys, this sounds realy interesting.

Thank you!
I have the basic mission layout developed, some background laid in and some important SEXPs set up.
The main thread will be updated shortly.



Offline Lorric

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I'll be watching too. :)


Offline Lorric

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Excuse me. I didn't know if you'd mind me posting in the other thread, so I'll post here. I'd like to follow what you're doing, but I've never actually added a model like you want me to with the installation. Would you (or anyone) mind telling me how please?

No problem.

Go to the linked wiki page above,  scroll to the bottom,  download the file from FS Mods.

Unzip into its own folder in your main FreeSpace folder - NOT into Data or any other folder, just FreeSpace/Bretonia.

Within Bretonia create a Data folder.
Within Data create 3 more folders - Models, Maps, Tables.

Your file structure should now look like this:
----->Maps (place textures here, .pcx, tga etc)
----->Models (all .pof files)
----->Tables (the .tbm file goes here)

Open the FreeSpace open launcher called, handily enough,  Launcher.

Click the FEATURES button.
In the command line space type this EXACTLY:

-mod Bretonia


You should also have the Media VPs already installed.

These are also basically a mod,  but Always go last on the command line, I. E. :

-mod Bretonia,MediaVp etc

NOTE no space between Bretonia's comma and the M of Media...

I'll include the Bretonia in future uploads.



Offline Lorric

  • 212
Thanks, I got it working.

At least I think I did. The installation is there alright, but those Argos jump in and then just die immediately. And nothing else hostile arrives. Is that intentional at this stage?

Sleipner wing dies off the top, to illustrate the danger of the JumpNode.

Maybe re - download? I updated that file a few times immediately after the initial upload.

Now,  the sequence should be Sleipner arrives, dies; the rest of the NTF arrive in; the cruisers duke it out while the Transports charge past.

This whole series needs to be more structured, to avoid having the NTF get wiped out by a couple of lucky snap events.
I have an idea for a stabilising element,  which could drive a really cool fighter/bomber furball.

Anyhow,  I suggest redown load.



Offline Lorric

  • 212
I redownloaded it.

This time more NTF arrived, but got obliterated by the node just like the Argos.


Offline Rodo

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Ok, downloaded it and created a OpDinamic mod folder with everything required inside. Mission working correctly.
el hombre vicio...