Author Topic: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1  (Read 53620 times)

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Offline karajorma

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[RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
The Diaspora Team are proud to present Diaspora R1.1.

This patch is exactly the same as Patch 1.1 RC so if you already downloaded that, you're already up to date.

As with previous patches, this patch does not require you to have earlier versions of the patch in order to work (and will in fact delete earlier versions).







Fixed a bug which prevented ships from landing properly.
Add new briefing animations.
Add preliminary Spanish language support.
Fix a Mission 6 crash.
Updated Builds to r10530.


Fix an multiplayer issue with weapon convergence.
Fix an issue where the prometheus wouldn't depart
Add new animations for the volunteer for M3 screen
Fixed M6 breaking if Ion 1 is destroyed.
Added directive counts training missions.


Fix a crash in Mission 6.
Fix an AI bug with drone landings in Training Mission 2.
Fix a problem with Directives not appearing in Training Mission 2.
Add Directive counters to Training Mission 2.
Fix rotation issue with Raptor door.
Alter the timing for civilian jumps in Mission 5.
Adding more missing built in messages.
Fix lack of loading screen errors in debug.
Fix missing art for the MEC-A6 (training) in the techroom.
Fix #weak weapons appearing in the techroom in multiplayer.
Remove/disable debug events in Mission 5.
Add missing cache files.
Update credits file.
Fix issue where Cylon HUD crashes the standalone server.
Fix Mission 6 issues where the Prometheus could be destroyed.


Fix M6 crashes due to #weak weapons.
Fix M6 crashes due show ship using incorrect model when doing the sun ray test.
Added missing gauge for system messages to the HUD.
Fix issues with Multiplayer option screen (hard to see where to click).
Fix mission bugs with Indart survival.
Assign hotkeys to all mission critical fighters.
Minor changes to HUD gadgets.
Added fix to reset collision cache hashes when starting a new mission.
Added fix to properly clean out unnecessary objects in the new collision code.
(Windows) Fix an issue with the kills gauge vanishing.
Update missions for a bug\support for the new key bindings.
Added FS2NetD interface art and fixed all messages to not mention PXO.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 03:25:42 pm by karajorma »
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Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1 (Windows only for now!)
Downloading! Congratulations, guys :D
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Offline marcoms

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1 (Windows only for now!)
I both code and use Linux, so depending on the difficulty, I may be able to help with porting (or whatever else is required).


Offline karajorma

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1 (Windows only for now!)
Well apemax offered to help already but thanks for the offer.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline ryansch

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1 (Windows only for now!)
Any ETA on the Mac OS release?  Anything I can do to help?


Offline karajorma

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1 (Windows only for now!)
From what I understand, it should be here in a day or two. E9 is already working on it.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Echelon9

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1 (Windows only for now!)
Thanks for the interest ryansch. I'm compiling and packaging the build for Mac OS. Will have uploaded over the weekend.

If you're a coder and interested in helping out with development, particularly on Mac please drop me a PM.


Offline marcoms

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1 (Windows only for now!)
Any status on the Linux release?


Offline karajorma

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1 (Windows only for now!)
Funny you should mention it. Post updated with a Linux link. Can someone upload that to somewhere more permanent (like FS Mods) please. I don't have the bandwidth to do it myself.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline karajorma

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
Mac Patch added.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline marcoms

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
Don't you have FTP access to


Offline karajorma

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
I do. No one else does.

The issue with uploading files there is that I don't have a good enough connection to download and upload the 300MB Mac and Linux patches there.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
Applying patch 1.1 for windows erased my saved campaigns. Pilots are still in the rooster, but with all stats set to zero. -Is this supposed to happen?


Offline karajorma

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
That shouldn't have happened. The update does include new pilot code but it shouldn't have damaged your existing pilot files.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
Could someone please upload the patch to fs2downloads? This would really help with packaging the game for Arch (see


Offline karajorma

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
The problem with uploading it to fs2downloads is that despite the name, that's actually my own personal website, so only I have access. And I unfortunately am on such a slow connection at the moment that downloading the 300MB linux patch has so far proved to be a no-go. I'll give it another try tomorrow though.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
If your willing to trust a random stranger on the internet, PM me a temporary FTP password and I could do the upload.

Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
That shouldn't have happened. The update does include new pilot code but it shouldn't have damaged your existing pilot files.

First, thank you for what is probably one of the most professional, well made mods I have ever played.  I was around 18 when Freespace 2 came out and can't believe how the community has progressed.  It has been a pleasure to come back to the title with such amazing mod support.  With that said [I am not trying to be a d*ck at all here; just saying] next time you update any pilot code can you PLEASE warn people first so we can backup our files just in case? 

I too have lost a long night worth of gameplay when installing 1.1 or 1.1.1 patch.  I have no idea which patch caused the issue because when I downloaded the mod, I did not know there was a patch and just played to mission 6 with version 1.0 until I hit the bug where you can't continue.  I killed ion (and then accidentally though gleefully ran into parts of his busted ship] only to have it tell me I failed that objective.  It happened twice, so I decided to check out the forums and found there was two patches.  I quit the game, installed the first [1.1] which installed correctly with out issue, and then installed patch 1.1.1 which also installed correctly.  Lastly, I started the game only to find the screen was set back to non stretch [I had to fix this in options] and while my profile was still there, my game was reset back to mission 1 [training].  I wouldn't mind too much but the training is brutal to sit through, especially for those of us who know how to play.  Secondly, in my elderly old age I never have a chance to game anymore, so losing a night worth of gaming is a big loss.

Is there any way to get back that save game, or does anyone have a save game that's on mission 6 and NOT failed any previous missions secondary objectives, including saving the lost pilot in the bonus mission?

For reference, I am using Win 7 x64 Ultimate, it's a one day old fresh rebuild of the OS, and fresh install of Freespace 2.  The reset happened the load after both patches, so I am positive that's what caused the issue.  Secondly, if I had to guess the ion bug was due to the fact you have less than 12 seconds [at least in my game] after the cut scene to kill him or he jumps, and I think the game takes a second or two to register the kill.  You might want to try increasing it to 20 seconds as that will still be challenging for most people and see if it helps the game engine catch up to register the kill.  I know I killed him both times [after several reloads] as there was an explosion and parts of his ship that I clearly ran into at least once while avoiding them the second time.  As for the profile getting deleted, I am pretty sure it's due to "some changes in the pilot code".  /wink

I'm off to bed.  I may have a chance next week to do some gaming and will try again.  Thanks for an amazing mod and all your hard work.  Even with the disappointment of a night lost, it has been an amazing experience flying around the BSG world playing an amazing mod. 
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 02:52:01 am by Thalinor »


Offline niffiwan

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
Sorry to hear that the pilot conversion failed.  The old pilot files should be safe in their old directory (Diaspora/data/players/single/inferno), if you can attach both the .pl2 and .cs2 for the pilot that had the issue I'll see if I can fix the conversion issue.

For a quicker alternative, you can play mission 6 by selecting "Tech Data -> Mission Simulator -> Campaign missions", then press CTRL-SHIFT-s to unlock all the missions in the campaign.
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Offline marcoms

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Re: [RELEASE] Diaspora : Shattered Armistice Patch 1.1
BTW You can skip training by clicking the top left 'Skip training' button in briefing.