Get 3D
THANK YOU, I've been trying all day to remember the name of that level! That was so insane to play on.
The fact that the game "evolved" into this extremely twitch-based don't-blink-or-you're-dead affair... yeah, I can see why the die-hards like it.
Well that's the thing, right? The game itself didn't change at all. What changed was the mindset of those highly competitive players, and thus the levels that were popular within their group changed as well. But for most other players, that change was completely irrelevant, or even obnoxious if it was forced upon them.
I think the D:U guys said it best when they talked about how different people take away different things from the Descent experience. Some people love openness, others like confinement. Some think Descent is all about competitive play, others prefer the single player. Or cooperative. But it's all the same game.
I think the big reason Descent never faded from memory was that, unlike most other games in the 6DOF genre, it really got the mechanics right and had lasting replay value for all kinds of play styles. So to cater to just one of them in a reboot would be a huge mistake and further divide the community. I think it makes sense for them to focus on the competitive multiplayer
right now to help balance the ships and weapons, but the rest cannot just be an afterthought. If the SP / Co-Op is weak, a lot of people are going to be extremely upset. It would also be bad if the core multiplayer team-vs-team system ends up aligning too closely with what those hardcore competitive players want. New and casual players would hate it.