To all our fellow Terrans,
We are proud to announce a defensive MILITARY ALLIANCE with Sol. Our two nations stand together for the rule of law, and for a universal peace with honor. Hopefully, this treaty will be a first step in international military cooperation, and we formally invite the Delest Dynasty and United Guilds of Commerce to join this arrangement (with all parties' approval.)
If one Party's sovereign territory (not counting Aldebaran or conquered territory) is threatened (i.e. deliberate diplomatic provocation and/or the deployment of multiple Fleets at a Starlance leading to the threatened Party's sovereign territory), the other Party is requested to:
Make a public statement of support for the threatened party, and/or mobilize one or more of their own Fleets to the border of the threatening faction at best possible speed.
Due to the inevitable vagueness of this clause, and the delicacy involved in handling such diplomatic crises, each Party can interpret it how they wish.
If one Party's sovereign territory is attacked, the other Party is obligated to:
Immediately declare war on the attacker, and mobilize at least one Fleet to reinforce the other Party's forces or attack the attacking faction. Unless already engaged in war, the other Party must immediately deploy whatever forces they have on hand, unless they have less than two combat-ready Fleets to commit to battle. (Once said Party has two combat-ready Fleets, they must rush to their ally's defence.)
If one Party invades another faction's sovereign space, or fights another faction over Aldebaran:
The other Party only need only join the war effort if they believe it justified. Refusing aid in this circumstance would not violate the Treaty. This is mainly a defensive alliance, and Britannia will not join in unprovoked aggression, nor would she ask the Sol Union to.
We will respect each other's conquests, and mutually negotiate any peace treaties with enemies of our alliance, with two public exceptions.
If either Party should liberate a core system of the other Party from a mutual enemy, then the system goes back to its original owner.
We aim to avoid armed conflict with Sol (or any other nation) over Aldebaran. But out of respect for Sol's other security arrangements, the terms of this treaty do not apply to Aldebaran, and occupation of Aldebaran will be negotiated on an ad hoc basis.
If either Party should attack one another's fleets or sovereign territory, the treaty is void, and both parties revert to a state of COLD WAR or WAR.
If either Party does not respond with military force when the other Party's sovereign territory is attacked, the treaty is void, and both parties revert to the current NON-AGGRESSION PACT.
Both Parties are encouraged to share resources and technology as needed, if a war threatens or breaks out.
Either Party can absolve the other of any treaty obligation at no penalty.
Ideally, the current international peace will remain in force, and neither of us shall need to invoke this Treaty's terms. Yet we who respect the rule of law must be prepared if law and diplomacy are to fail.
Yours in Honor and Nobility,
Britannian Foreign Minster Lepanto