Author Topic: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station  (Read 14181 times)

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Offline Black Wolf

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[RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station

The Endymion class station is, by far, the largest and most sophisticated class of space station ever deployed in Terran history. Developed as a central hub for an entire colonised system, the Endymion serves as both a military and administrative centre and a subspace communications core, interfacing with relays and nodes throughout a given system.

Given its critical role in potentially exposed space, the Endymion is far from defenceless, with capital grade armour, six state of the art plasma turrets and a strikecraft capacity more than double that of a Canberra class carrier.

This is the Space Station Endymion. The original mesh was by Axem (as explained here), I threw a UV and some textures on it before getting it ingame. Obviously, the fact that it's getting released in this forum tells you something about the future of Frontlines, as do a few of the details in the tech description. But, while we're waiting to announce that, this is being released as part of the project's continued commitment to an open development model.

Thanks, of course, to Axem, for letting me play with his mesh, and to MageKing for trying to help me solve a bug that, ultimately, was purely the result of my own stupidity.

Hope that this comes in handy for people.


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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
It good

Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
That's sweet!
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Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
I might have use for this... assuming that other station you gave me remains unfinished by the time we release. :p
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Offline HLD_Prophecy

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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
Aw and I just got finished using the GTI Constellation (lots of bugfixing) in a mission of mine when I totally wanted to use this instead! (I saw the original post) :p


Offline Black Wolf

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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
Bugfixig? With the mission or the model? If  there's a model problem, I'd want to know so I could fix it.
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Offline HLD_Prophecy

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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
Bugfixig? With the mission or the model? If  there's a model problem, I'd want to know so I could fix it.

Oh yeah... problem is I'm not now entirely sure what they all were. That was a couple weeks ago. I remember specifically that there was a detail level discrepancy (something like too few or too many detail levels in the table) and I think there was a subsystem in the table that wasn't in the model. Navigation, probably.

Sorry, I'm not very helpful. I may also be getting it mixed up with bugs I had with other models.

 I really do like the Constellation though and I got it working just fine. Thanks for it  :)


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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
I don't have any sense of scale here... the highlight says it's a small station, but the tech description makes it sound massive. Can someone give me a rough approximation?
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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
Well, I guess its not really "small", the arms certainly beef up the size of it. The main body is Deimos sized I guess. Small next to an Arcadia I guess. I was just guessing on the size when I saw the pics anyway, you could always alter the scale of the station anyway in PCS if its not quite to your liking.

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Offline Black Wolf

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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
I don't have any sense of scale here... the highlight says it's a small station, but the tech description makes it sound massive. Can someone give me a rough approximation?

It's enormous at the start of the Terran-Vasudan war...
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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station

My first association:

How about a station anthem?   :D


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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
Hey BW, do you happen to have the script handy that was used to animate the arms in Axem's video? 
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Offline Black Wolf

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Re: [RELEASE] Endymion Class Space Station
Not off the top of my head, but IIRC you don't need a script. Rotation of submodels can be done with FRED.
Rarely Updated P3D.
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