Author Topic: Star Citizen  (Read 7371 times)

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Still playing Freespace when I am not traveling and when the weather is bad.  I am looking forward to Star Citizen. It looks amazing right now.
I have been reworking my simpit to be ready for Star Citizen. I have added a custom controller for the left hand that has a built in mini analog joystick for strafing (6DOF) as well as a full size one for basic AWSD function for the FPS part of the game. This coupled with the Thrustmaster Warhog stick and throttle, Saitek Combat Pro Rudder Pedals as well as two custom built button panels should give me plenty of control options. Oh and then there are two Thrustmaster MFD's used for Shield and Power management. Still a work in progress as I sort out the rest of the keybindings.

This is the new custom controller built from an old Ch products Pro Throttle handle with a custom mini joystick. The two analog axis are wired to my BU0836X 12-Bit Joystick Board and the buttons and main joystick are wired to one of my GP-Wiz40 MAX USB Compatible Input Interface cards.


I also added a custom Helios screen for my second monitor to be used with the two Thrustmaster MFD's


great rig, i'm sure playing Elite on it is great fun
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.

Holy ****. Pretty hardcore gaming setup you got there. Though funny that the keyboard is pretty much the same thing I'd have, with all those lights and do-dads surrounding it, I would expect something a bit more esoteric.

great rig, i'm sure playing Elite on it is great fun

Funny he didn't actually mention elite in his post. Are you hear to praise his setup or to take a cheap shot at Star Citizen? There's already a thread for that. I suggest you quit trolling.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 02:39:47 pm by Akalabeth Angel »

he's gone to all this work to make an amazing controller setup that works properly and exists, i think it's aesthetically necessary that he use it to play a game that works properly and exists
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.

he's gone to all this work to make an amazing controller setup that works properly and exists, i think it's aesthetically necessary that he use it to play a game that works properly and exists

Still playing Freespace when I am not traveling and when the weather is bad. 

playing freespace ruins my immersion
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Sushi

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That's a pretty incredible setup.

Well I have Elite Dangerous but have not played it much. For me it seems like they built this massive universe but sort of left any sort of exciting game play out of it. There is CQC but it is a too little too late and no one seems to be playing it. Personally I am looking forward to playing Squadron 42 which will be more like a Wing Commander style setting. Can't believe anyone who likes Freespace would not like it.

If you are interested in getting a free copy of Squadron 42 with your pledge for a Star Citizen package do so before Feb 14th as they will be splitting it into a separate game. Right now it comes with SC.

If you want to get 5000 EUC money when you sign up use the code STAR-WCL7-2NDP

As for the keyboard it serves it function as it is not used much but on my desktop setup for playing most FPS games I use a G15 keyboard (the original one with the better LCD screen).  If I find a nicer wireless keyboard that better fits the space and theme I will consider buying it.

Freespace 2 Open with the cockpit MOD and TrackIR is quite immersive (so wash you mouth out dude)   :lol:

Nobody outside of CIG has seen any evidence that any actual gameplay has been made for Squadron 42. I know Elite can end up involving a lot of directionless milling about but there is a good amount of fun in there. Try playing alongside other people -- there a fair few HLPers in the E:D thread and on IRC who I'm sure would be happy to play with you.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Unknown Target

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You could always play Independence War 2 on it, if Star Citizen doesn't pan out.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 11:07:42 pm by Unknown Target »

And new Evochron: Legacy
Can you provide more details on what once was CH Throttle Pro ?  :)

By the way is there any simpit show off thread?

Wow, no Trackir or Freetrack? What a waste....
Oops, noticed the camera. Freetrack then?

now I see, trackir. Have you thought about triple screen?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 04:14:12 am by Familiar »

I picked up an old Pro Throttle (the one that used the PS2 keyboard connector) cheap off Ebay and used the upper part and totally rewired it to the GP-Wiz40 MAX USB Compatible Input Interface card. I also removed one of the 4 way hats and installed a tiny mini joystick so I could have analog strafing for Star Citizen (sideways and up/down) from All Electronics (THUMB JOYSTICK WITH SELECT BUTTON)

The handle was slid onto a Zippyy™ Arcade and Fight Stick also purchased from using a nylon sleeve fabricated for a tight fit.

I have one of these custom controllers on my desktop setup and have used it for FPS for years. Never did like the AWSD and other buttons on a keyboard in game (at my age I did not grow up with a keyboard).

Of coarse I have TrackIR (who doesn't that plays sims?)

I find my 39" monitor works fine for immersion for my simpit.

I really am not looking for any other games at the moment. I have plenty of Freespace 2 Open missions to finish as well as Star Citizen. I also am looking forward to Descent Underground when it gets a bit more mature. And there is DCS Flight sims and IL2 Cliffs of Dover with Team Fusion to fly in.


Offline Dragon

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That cockpit looks like fun. :) I do hope that Star Citizen will actually be something that's not another mostly pointless open-world multiplayer game, but right now they've got a bit too much money on their hands (along with way too many ideas). It's a good thing there are so many FS2 campaigns, because I have a feeling SC isn't coming out anytime soon. :) Descent Underground also looks fun, I have it, but haven't played because it's multiplayer-only so far, since the thing I liked in Descent the most was blasting through hordes of robots (in fact, never cared for multiplayer in any game. For me, SC will probably only be as good as Squadron 42 and maybe Star Marine, assuming the latter gets a campaign).

Well if you liked Descent have you checked out which has upgraded graphics. There is also Sublevel Zero on Steam which is a Descent clone single player game

Crossing my fingers for Squadron 42 as I was never into Privateer type games myself


Offline Det. Bullock

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Wow, that's an incredible setup, and I still have doubts if to buy a throttle down the line.  :eek:

Given it's free until Friday I've been trying the Arena Commander tutorial after a good half-day download.

My reaction is mixed at this stage, it's a strange Chimaera of a classic spacesim mixed with some hardcore simulation elements, and some of these elements seem a bit out of place in a game like this, am I led to believe that in a sci-fi universe like this they don't have some inertial dampener thing to avoid the effect of excessive accelerations?
Having my pilot almost pass out even when the g-limiter is active is a bit annoying considering that the way the enemies move in the tutorial you have to turn fast to maintain them in your sights.

Having the guns on gimbals is just weird for a joystick user like me (I guess it's for mouse and keyboard users, but then why the more simulative elements? Sincerely I don't know any fan of hardcore simulations that doesn't use a joystick) and when I finally found out how to put them in a fixed position I breathed a sigh of relief.

Interesting having a different impact point based lead indicator for each type of gun, but I wonder why the projectile weapon (so limited ammo I'm guessing) was defaulted to the trigger bank and the energy one to button 2 (fortunately weapon banks can be customized in-game), perhaps it's just my habit of avoiding binding weapons with limited ammo to the trigger if possible but I found it strange.

I still don't know if any of the missiles I launched actually hit the targets, but missiles act differently in every spacesim I've played so it's probably me not getting how they work here.

Also either the weapons in the tutorial are weak or the various drones and enemies are relatively strong for a tutorial mission as it took AGES to take them down.

The game is still very much an Alpha (had to copypaste a user.cfg to get it running without pausing every few seconds) but I didn't experience that many problems, of course with a Radeon HD7770 it's a bit slow but playable.

Crossing my fingers for Squadron 42 as I was never into Privateer type games myself

Me too, I find them really hit or miss, X2: The Threat was the game that made me stop buying games at day one (even though returning to it later I developed a bit of appreciation and was able to complete the main story), X3 I actually found it slightly worse, X3 TC I liked but then it starts with the spreadsheets again and capturing ships during storylines is supremely annoying, though I actually had quite a bit of fun with Privateer when I bough it from, perhaps because there were less complications and a better story focus than the X series.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 07:29:18 pm by Det. Bullock »
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor


Offline Dragon

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I have exams on Thursday, but I'll check it out as well. I have an account, my father even bought two Auroras back in the crowdfunding phase (he wanted to give one to me, but we couldn't figure out how), so I guess I could give it a try.

Generally, I never had patience for games like X series where the main point is trading. If I can make a living (and have fun) as a mercenary, the missions are varied enough and progression has decent pacing (I hate level grinding), then it usually works for me. This is problematic in an MMO, since you can't really set the difficulty on human enemies, and I don't enjoy getting blasted by someone who happened to sink half their life and income into the game. And if I'm going to fight against AIs anyway (where difficulty can be customized), why bother with additional overhead of an MMO? Coop doesn't work well, either, seeing as my friends generally don't play those games and random people tend to be either incompetent or hardcores mentioned above (besides, teaming up with people is not really my style).
Well if you liked Descent have you checked out which has upgraded graphics. There is also Sublevel Zero on Steam which is a Descent clone single player game
The first one I played (the original D2 is hard to even get running on modern hardware), I may check out Sublevel Zero someday.

Both D2X-XL and DXX-Rebirth run fine on Windows 7


Offline Det. Bullock

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Well if you liked Descent have you checked out which has upgraded graphics. There is also Sublevel Zero on Steam which is a Descent clone single player game
The first one I played (the original D2 is hard to even get running on modern hardware), I may check out Sublevel Zero someday.

Not at all, Descent 2 runs in dosbox and there are various source ports, if you don't like to configure everything yourself there is always that sells the entire series already adapted to run on modern systems.
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor

D2X-XL and DXX-Rebirth run fine on natively on Windows 7 without DOSBox

I don't believe D1 or D2 are available on GOG anymore. At least they pulled them awhile ago


Offline Det. Bullock

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D2X-XL and DXX-Rebirth run fine on natively on Windows 7 without DOSBox

I don't believe D1 or D2 are available on GOG anymore. At least they pulled them awhile ago
Damn, I completely forgot about that.

I have exams on Thursday, but I'll check it out as well. I have an account, my father even bought two Auroras back in the crowdfunding phase (he wanted to give one to me, but we couldn't figure out how), so I guess I could give it a try.

Generally, I never had patience for games like X series where the main point is trading. If I can make a living (and have fun) as a mercenary, the missions are varied enough and progression has decent pacing (I hate level grinding), then it usually works for me. This is problematic in an MMO, since you can't really set the difficulty on human enemies, and I don't enjoy getting blasted by someone who happened to sink half their life and income into the game. And if I'm going to fight against AIs anyway (where difficulty can be customized), why bother with additional overhead of an MMO? Coop doesn't work well, either, seeing as my friends generally don't play those games and random people tend to be either incompetent or hardcores mentioned above (besides, teaming up with people is not really my style).

Yep, I don't understand this fixation with MMO spacesims either.
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor