Author Topic: HLP Noob2PROgram  (Read 4888 times)

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Offline AndrewofDoom

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As part of our initiative to promote modders and more community, I've started a project called Noob2Pro. What is it exactly? It's a mod team that focuses on helping new modders get acquainted with a team environment and also to help their own personal skills in whatever area of expertise they want to go into. I'm looking for people to create this team.

What will this project actually make?

It really depends on what kind of talent I get. While I have a few ideas for what some short mods that could come out of it, I'm not setting anything in stone. For example, if I only get artists, I'm not going to make a campaign but have a little modpack initiative for the artists to contribute toward. Once we get a team together, we'll talk about what we want to do for a mod.

Is there any prerequisites to joining?

Kinda. If you're doing FRED as your focus, you should at least do the FRED tutorial that's comes with the editor. When it comes to artists, you should at least have some proficiency in the art form you're working on (I'm not really good at teaching people how to model and especially no good at teaching how to draw or how compose sound effects or music).

How do I sign up?

Just post a message here showing your interest and what kind of talents you have. I'm looking for 3-4 new/newish people and possibly one experienced modder to help me out.

The Team
Project Lead

AndrewofDoom (Concept, high level plot)



Artists (2D/3D)
Black Wolf (Assisting when he can)

EDIT March 16th

Alright I know double post, but krevett62 has had to pull out of the team due to issue pertaining to real life problems. So I now have two positions open:

Not looking for anyone right now!

As per the team's mission statement, I will be taking preference to people who don't have any experience working in modding teams previously, but if I can't find any noobs I'll take anyone. But, to help people decide if they would like to join, I'll tell you what the team has come up with so far:

We are making a campaign set in 2330 during the Terran-Vasudan War. We're going to be covering the Battle of Talania. Pretty straightforward, right? WRONG! Talania isn't on the node map, so what happened to it? That's the premise of the campaign.

EDIT July 5th

Okay, so I've updated what I need to have (just 1 FREDer). Added the active member roster now.

EDIT August 14th

Adjusted the active member roster again.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 08:57:56 pm by AndrewofDoom »
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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I'd like to volunteer as an advisor, because I think this project sounds like an interesting idea and want to see it succeed. I'm... not exactly an experienced modder (I've released one never-quite-finished mission of middling quality), but as a member of the SCP I can answer just about any questions people might have.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Black Wolf

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I'm happy to help advise people. Unfortunately, I use programs that aren't common (3DS Max and Paint Shop Pro). But I can definitely help with things like UV mapping, pof conversion, things like that. FRED, to some extent, though I'm not as good as some of the other FREDders around here.
Rarely Updated P3D.
Burn the heretic who killed F2S! Burn him, burn him!!- GalEmp

Ooooooooooooh I'd love to give this a shot! My focuses are on FRED, scripting, and narrative design.

I might be interested, I never worked with a team and it can be interesting to increase my skills. I mainly focus on table/pof editing and FREDing  (but most on the technical rather than the narrative part ^^)

Edit: I might also help a bit with pof conversion as i've already done some little conversions for a personal use
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 10:11:27 am by krevett62 »

Looking forward to working with you :)

Any more slots?  I'm pretty new but I have done the FRED tutorial.


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Okay, so hack-wizard, xenocartographer, and krevett62 will be my noobs along with a potential outsider for a noob composer role. I'll be sending a PM to you three in a few hours. Ralwood, Black Wolf I'll keep in contact with you guys since I'm a noob in being a project lead. Applications are closed for now. If there are more new people interested, maybe someone else who's experienced can also do something?
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon

Hey, sorry for the breach of discipline, noob with musical background here. You're not still looking for a composer, by any chance?


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Hey, sorry for the breach of discipline, noob with musical background here. You're not still looking for a composer, by any chance?

I was actually going to open up the team again for artists. Visual mostly, but I'll take audio arts.

That being said, I'm opening up the team for a position in the visual arts. Preferably 2d graphics and someone who hasn't been on a modding team before, but if I can't find anyone new, I'll take a vet instead.
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Alright I know double post, but krevett62 has had to pull out of the team due to issue pertaining to real life problems. So I now have two positions open:

1 FREDer
1 Visual artist

As per the team's mission statement, I will be taking preference to people who don't have any experience working in modding teams previously, but if I can't find any noobs I'll take anyone. But, to help people decide if they would like to join, I'll tell you what the team has come up with so far:

We are making a campaign set in 2330 during the Terran-Vasudan War. We're going to be covering the Battle of Talania. Pretty straightforward, right? WRONG! Talania isn't on the node map, so what happened to it? That's the premise of the campaign.
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline AndrewofDoom

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It's been a while since I've posted something here, mostly because we haven't lost anyone for the last month. We've been hard at working and are getting close to completing Act 1. Here's some pictures!

That said, my request for the two positions is still open and I'd be happy to take more people on.
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline AndrewofDoom

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I've updated the main post. I'm only looking for one more FREDer at this time. At the same time, time for a late welcoming of Abaddon, Neptune, and OneOneThree to the dev team!

As for actual updates to the mod, significant progress has been made toward making a demo release ala BTA. I'd show some screens, but a lot of this is still very placeholder for dialog and whatnot.
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon


Offline AndrewofDoom

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Welcome PIe to the team! We are no longer looking for members.
My Efforts:
SF Knight

20:08:19   AndrewofDoom: Though I find it mildly disturbing that a loli is giggling to mass destruction.
20:10:01   Spoon: I find it mildly arrousing
20:10:07   AndrewofDoom: Woah
20:10:15   Spoon: sound like my kind of loli
20:10:21   Spoon: and im not even a lolicon