Author Topic: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I  (Read 407913 times)

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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
So I'am on the mission "Accidents will Happen" and have come up to a problem. Beta wing is not able to destroy the Corvette because they have no secondaries apart from a few rockeyes. Even if their load-outs in the briefing weren't locked, I don't have access to cyclops warheads.

I fixed the Cyclops bug at the same time I fixed the Helios bug, but if you had already started the campaign then you wouldn't have benefited from it.  The attached campaign file fixes the weapon problems and also starts off at the branch point before the GVTA and ISF branches.  (I think I'll also include this campaign file in the next root update; some people may not want to play through the preliminary missions again before choosing the other branch.)

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]

Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Congrats to this campaign.

However, I am running into a problem using Ubuntu with engine 3.7.4. The mission after pink asteroids show up  ;7 doesn't start:

./fs2_open_3.7.4-compiled -mod ScrollofAtankharzim
Code: [Select]
ERROR: "Unrecognized operator.  In sexpression: ( when     ( and        ( or           ( is-event-true-delay              "Freighter reveal 2"              10           )          ( <              ( distance "Alpha 1" "Molech" )              500           )          ( <              ( distance "Alpha 1" "Ba'al" )              500           )       )       ( is-event-true-delay           "Freighter reveal 2"           5        )    )    ( turret-free-all "Molech" "Ba'al" )     ( jettison-cargo "Molech" )     ( jettison-cargo "Ba'al" )     ( modify-variable [] 4 )     ( modify-variable [] 4 )     ( ship-vulnerable        "asteroid#1"        "asteroid#2"        "asteroid#3"  [...] (Error appears to be: jettison-cargo)" at mission/missionparse.cpp:5778
AL lib: ReleaseALC: 1 device not closed
Which build is recommended?


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Most of the campaign is playable on 3.7.4, but that mission has a sexp that requires 3.8.

EDIT: That mission is the only mission with a 3.8 sexp, so I'll add some version-specific commenting to make it 3.7.4-compatible.  That'll be in the next update which I'll publish sometime this evening.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 04:52:46 pm by Goober5000 »


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Mission s1-07 throws an error upon attempting to load.
The error reads:
Code: [Select]
Error: sa_s1_07.fs2(line 4500):
Error: Required token = [#Goals] or [$Formula:], found [$end_multi_text].

File: parselo.cpp
Line: 290
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Wow, clearly I was not as careful as I thought I was.

Use the attached mission instead.  I'll include a fix in this evening's update.

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]


Offline CKid

Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Damn Goober, we're keeping you busy today.  :P
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Well, I'd hate to leave behind unfixed bugs. :)

I've updated the root download with a bunch of mission fixes, both the critical ones as well as some tweaks.  Run the FSO Installer or redownload from the first post to get them.


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Gooby, don't take this offensive but we all survived the apocalypse :P. Pardon me this joke, plz. Time to fix all the bugs, update main files and let Scroll shine.

I checked mission with nebula and shivan ships on 3.7.4 and it works fine. Nebula poofs files have transparency, and it's probably causing dazzling issue. Will rest of the campaign work on 3.7.4?

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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Gooby, don't take this offensive but we all survived the apocalypse :P. Pardon me this joke, plz.

I took no offense. :)  But I caution you that the time window hasn't expired yet.

Time to fix all the bugs, update main files and let Scroll shine.

:nod:  I've done so while I still have the opportunity.

I checked mission with nebula and shivan ships on 3.7.4 and it works fine. Nebula poofs files have transparency, and it's probably causing dazzling issue. Will rest of the campaign work on 3.7.4?

With the latest update, the entire campaign should now work on 3.7.4.


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Mission g1_06 (Arachnophobia) says that I should have EMP Missiles to help escort the Helios warheads. One problem: I don't have any EMP Missiles.
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Offline HLD_Prophecy

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Darn it, this is what happens when I forget to check HLP for a couple of days. That and forgetting that the project I worked on was coming out. :P Sorry.


Offline HLD_Prophecy

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Hey Goober, are there any of those bugs that you want me to handle?


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Mission g1_06 (Arachnophobia) says that I should have EMP Missiles to help escort the Helios warheads. One problem: I don't have any EMP Missiles.

Darn it, I thought I caught all of those when I fixed the Cyclops and Helios issues.  Bug squashed, and this time I checked to verify that no other weapons have this problem.

New version uploaded, and the Installer will download it next time you run it.  If you don't want to replay g1_01 through g1_05, download the attached campaign.  It'll prompt you for the GVTA branch and the ISF branch, again, but the GVTA branch will start at g1_06.

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Hey Goober, are there any of those bugs that you want me to handle?

All of the bugs mentioned in this thread have been fixed, but I'll PM you.

Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Bug found in "Irkalla Passes"

When the shivans are dead, the mission refuses to end. The AWACS and cruiser go through the node, but the 2 vettes sit close to it and never move. Help?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 10:46:23 pm by CapellaGoBoom »


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
That shouldn't happen.  I'll take a look.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Congrats on the release :-)

Please take no offense but I will wait a few weeks till the bugs are all gone.
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline CKid

Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
In playing "Thor's hammer" I successfully defended all 5 Mjolnirs however the shivan Corvette still manged to get away with 23%.
Kind of sucks to fail the secondly objective through RNG and no fault of my own.
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong


Offline CKid

Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Mission Arachnophobia may need adjustments. Even if you EMP the cruisers and sentry guns, the station's flak guns still has enough time to shoot down all 6 bombs. I only manged to destroy the Beam cannon once out of 8 try's and unfortunately I died soon after. Very frustrating. :banghead:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 06:24:29 pm by CKid »
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Well, I finished it. Overall, a fun campaign with quite a few interesting missions, with the only exception being the final mission and ending. I feel like this campaign would have benefited from having a campaign map similar to what Axem used for Just Another Day, which would allow you to replay either branch without needing a separate campaign file. Still, I would definitely recommend playing it.
If the opposite of pro is con, then is the opposite of progress Congress?