Author Topic: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I  (Read 407916 times)

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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
In any case I've uploaded 1.9.1 with an important MV_Compatibility dependency, plus the Hercules fix, plus a miscellaneous few table tweaks.

Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I don't get the bug reports submitted through Knossos unfortunately.  Can you be more specific about the mission 5 crash?  What were you doing at the time, and did the crash have any sort of error message?

Also, to double check that we have the same mission in mind, what was the mission name?  Or if the mission didn't load, what was the mission before it?

The Hercules bug is easy to identify so I'll be able to make a fix for that quickly.

It was Through the Looking Glass, the scanning mission where you investigate the Shivan presence around a gas giant. The Mission crashed as I entered the area where the Shivans were.  I do not remember the error message
« Last Edit: October 10, 2022, 11:37:41 am by ShivanSlayer »


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I just want to make sure I downloaded things (I downloaded from the FSO Installer and looked at some things on the FSNebula page for this campaign) right since the newest folder I have for Scroll (version 1.9.1) looks a little different than the previous version I had (version 1.8.10 I believe):

-In the newest one there is a "maps 3" file where there wasn't that one that correct?
-In the previous version I had a 'data' folder with a 'scripts' subfolder but not on the newest one (there is no 'data' folder present to begin with in this newest version) that how things should be too?  (  Usually a data/scripts folder would be under the 'content' section of a mod's page like this but I downloaded 'content' from there and it just had the scroll vp, 2 BMPs, and the mod.ini)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2022, 09:26:18 pm by CT27 »


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
It was Through the Looking Glass, the scanning mission where you investigate the Shivan presence around a gas giant. The Mission crashed as I entered the area where the Shivans were.  I do not remember the error message

Thanks, that helped identify the problem.  There was a script that was missing from the release.  I've published an update so it should be available on FSO Installer immediately and Knossos in a few minutes.

-In the newest one there is a "maps 3" file where there wasn't that one that correct?

That's correct.  These are the maps for the new Udjat.

-In the previous version I had a 'data' folder with a 'scripts' subfolder but not on the newest one (there is no 'data' folder present to begin with in this newest version) that how things should be too?  (  Usually a data/scripts folder would be under the 'content' section of a mod's page like this but I downloaded 'content' from there and it just had the scroll vp, 2 BMPs, and the mod.ini)

All scripts included with Scroll are packaged in the VPs.  However I think this folder can be created by saving checkpoints.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
A minor detail question:

Was the picture (BMP) for Scroll updated?  The Vasudan looks a little darker than before and his/her cloak a little more red than before.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
A minor detail question:

Was the picture (BMP) for Scroll updated?  The Vasudan looks a little darker than before and his/her cloak a little more red than before.

It was not only updated, it was completely redone, using all-new assets.  Here are the before and after images:


Offline Antares

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Is there a way to toggle MediaVPs content, or is that baked into the campaign file? The recent addition of more hi-poly models is causing some graphical corruption on my end because my GPU keeps running out of memory.
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Is there a way to toggle MediaVPs content, or is that baked into the campaign file? The recent addition of more hi-poly models is causing some graphical corruption on my end because my GPU keeps running out of memory.

Unfortunately, the most recent versions of Scroll contain very high-poly models such as the Udjat and Arachnas, so even if you disabled the MediaVPs, your GPU might struggle.  I would suggest rolling back to a previously released version.  Try 1.4.0.

And to specifically answer your question, no, the MediaVPs are pretty heavily intertwined with Scroll at this point, so it's not really possible to run without them.


Offline Galemp

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Can I suggest that the nUdjat and similarly high-poly models go into a Scroll_Advanced VP?
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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I've had Scroll on my radar for a long time but only just got around to playing it. Great missions with a very Vasudan atmosphere and dialogue. I actually really liked the scanning stealth missions and the stealth HUD is a big improvement over older campaigns with stealth missions. It's fun to play through both branches and see the same events from different points of view. The music is also very fitting for the missions. I especially like the piece in the first stealth mission. The voice acting works well and took me a while to understand. The Terran speech sounds garbled to you as a Vasudan, and then the translator says it in a way you understand. I totally lost it when I heard what audio was used for the Vasudan laugh. :D

Like BTA, Scroll gets a lot of small details right to create a world that sucks you in, without ever feeling very dramatic. I like how all the tech room descriptions express a Vasudan point of view and the "GVTA" follows that idea too, V comes before T from the Vasudan perspective. However, I agree with SF-Junky that the story doesn't really explore its potential, at least in Part 1. What are the Shivans doing in these systems? They seem to be in a defensive posture compared to FS1 or FS2 and are easily deceived until the last two missions. I'm guessing that will be for Part 2. The scroll verses also feel disconnected from the campaign plot, as nicely written as they are. Maybe in Part 2, you can have the scroll describe missions in an allegorical manner from a "narrator's" perspective and you then see it play out from a pilot's perspective (the game Cryostasis is a great example of this).

I'm definitely looking forward to Part 2 of this.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Can I suggest that the nUdjat and similarly high-poly models go into a Scroll_Advanced VP?

That's an idea.  However, we would need additional features in the modular POFs toolbox to make full use of it.  Currently, we need to duplicate the Mjolnir, Triton, and Ravana models (and possibly others) to augment the POF data.  I'll put it on the list.

I've had Scroll on my radar for a long time but only just got around to playing it. Great missions with a very Vasudan atmosphere and dialogue. I actually really liked the scanning stealth missions and the stealth HUD is a big improvement over older campaigns with stealth missions. It's fun to play through both branches and see the same events from different points of view. The music is also very fitting for the missions. I especially like the piece in the first stealth mission. The voice acting works well and took me a while to understand. The Terran speech sounds garbled to you as a Vasudan, and then the translator says it in a way you understand. I totally lost it when I heard what audio was used for the Vasudan laugh. :D

Like BTA, Scroll gets a lot of small details right to create a world that sucks you in, without ever feeling very dramatic. I like how all the tech room descriptions express a Vasudan point of view and the "GVTA" follows that idea too, V comes before T from the Vasudan perspective. However, I agree with SF-Junky that the story doesn't really explore its potential, at least in Part 1. What are the Shivans doing in these systems? They seem to be in a defensive posture compared to FS1 or FS2 and are easily deceived until the last two missions. I'm guessing that will be for Part 2. The scroll verses also feel disconnected from the campaign plot, as nicely written as they are. Maybe in Part 2, you can have the scroll describe missions in an allegorical manner from a "narrator's" perspective and you then see it play out from a pilot's perspective (the game Cryostasis is a great example of this).

I'm definitely looking forward to Part 2 of this.

Thanks for the comments. :)

Some of the explanations are known and planned; others only exist in the mind of Sesquipedalian and he hasn't told us yet.  In particular, Sesq has a lot more Scroll excerpts written in various stages of completion - hopefully they will see light one day.  As for the Shivans, part of it is what you see - Shivans being driven out as Vasudans and Terrans claim new systems - and part of it will be disclosed in Part 2.


Offline Ariel

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Hey you guys ,

I really love the  campaign  ,  i can't pass the   scanning  of the shivan base.
is there any way to beat this  mission  i alwys faile cause i'm  trying to get didected.

Why there  i can't choose to continue without passing the  missing aftre 5 times like in the normal  freespace2?

Any workthroughs?


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Thanks for the comments!  Can you tell us the mission title?  I'm assuming this is "Through the Looking Glass", but I want to be sure.

To avoid being detected, make sure your proximity monitor is on, and don't get closer than 300m to fighters or sentry guns.  Also, listen to the recommendations from Zeta 1.

It should be possible to skip the mission like in normal FS2, but make sure you actually view the failure debriefing 5 times.  Simply restarting the mission in the middle of it will not count.

Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
 If you really don't want to play the mission (and I wouldn't blame you for it), just turn the difficulty up to insane and crash 5 times.  You should get the skip option.  I have done that a few times when I get a bad autosave


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Version 1.10.0 is up with a few scripting refinements that require 23.0.  A few voice files have also had pronunciations fixed.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2023, 10:03:06 pm by Goober5000 »


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
It may have been a while since this was posted in, but I had a question.  I've decided to give SA another run-through, as part of a desire to keep FS in my life, while I work on other unrelated projects, so I won't forget or lose interest in my FS-related projects.  Anyway, after a browse through the list of user-created ship models on the Wiki, I see that there's a higher-detail Hyperion model, and the image caption lists it as being in SA, but it isn't in the newest update.  Does this caption indicate that it is slated for the next release of SA (whenever that is), or is it a mistake?
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
It's currently in SA in the sense that it's in the development modpack.  It's not in a publicly released version.

But SA will release an update for MediaVPs 4.7.x in the next week or two, and the new Hyperion will be included in that update.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
That news is pleasing to hear.  I'm almost tempted to suspend my play-through until the update comes through.
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
That's something worth considering.  You could also play it again. :)


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Version 1.11.0 has now been uploaded to FSO Installer and Knossos, and brings with it the following changes:

  • GTC Hyperion model updated by Nyctaeus
  • SF Gorgon model updated by Nyctaeus
  • GVCa Tanen model updated by Galemp
  • Asteroid miner variant of the SG Rahu added by Galemp, with sa_g1_01 modified accordingly
  • GTD Hecate model updated by Nyctaeus to accommodate slightly regunned ship entry
  • MediaVPs 4.7 compatability, with appropriate config file updates
  • The virtual POF feature is now used to make modifications such as adding dockpoints, allowing duplicate ship POFs to be removed
  • A new warp effect option is now used in sa_m1_05, allowing the FastWarpDecel variant of the Hatshepsut to be removed
  • Some assets for part 2 have been added, such as the GVI Ogdoad, capship-target-only TAG missiles, a GTF Banshee cbanim, and additional briefing icons
  • Added Phoenix V and changed impact sounds for Avenger and Interceptor to their FS1 versions
  • Canonical ships, such as the Apollo, are now stored in the modpack with their canonical designations (GTF Apollo) but use $Alt name to display their Scroll designations (TF Apollo)
  • Missions now use the on-mission-skip operator to ensure that ships and weapons are still handled correctly if the user skips a mission
  • GTSG Mjolnir rotating rings are now locked during arrival in sa_g1_05
  • Ship loadout now uses 3D ship select
  • A widescreen preload image is now used in widescreen resolutions
  • Scripts have been updated with header comments
  • Credits have been updated
  • Various other minor tweaks

The new changes require 24.0.0-RC2.