Author Topic: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched  (Read 10058 times)

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Offline Goober5000

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Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched

The Inferno campaign continues many decades after the events in FS2. A massive mod with 140 new models ranging from the smallest of fighters to the largest capital ships ever seen in FS2 so far.

Project lead:
  • Woomeister
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  • Sadistic Sid
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  • Untouchable

Original release threads: Inferno board | FreeSpace Modding board

I decided to go through and patch all the mod warnings in Inferno R1, as well as add a checkpoint to the climactic battle.  (Back in my day, if you got shot down while disarming the Nemesis's beams, you had to start the mission over from the beginning!)

Here's a summary of the changes:

Code: [Select]
Added a mod.ini
Fixed all debug messages
Null MOIs on many models
Invalid radii on the Stinger and Vortex models - replaced these with the Tempest model
Invalid shields on a few models - I either used approximate substitutes or (in the case of the Ancient models) deleted the shields
Various minor errors: number of LODs, subsystem mismatches, paths, invalid docking points
Standardized the length of the civil war at 8 months
Formalhaut -> Fomalhaut and other spelling fixes
Mission fixes
Title capitalization
One Step At a Time: properly fail directives when transports destroyed
Old Enemies: Show/hide jumpnode, use turret/beam-lock instead of play-dead, fix Argo docking, fix Special Ship bug
Showdown: Add Kismat to escort list, fix the Olemus/Diablo beam-fire sequence
Taking the Gate: fix beams firing on weapon modules
The Only Possible Outcome: standardize on Edward Kelly
Nemesis: Added checkpoint, added more ships to escort list
Gigas: Made comm nodes self-destruct if crystal destroyed (like in Into the Lion's Den), added more ships to escort list

Both the FSO Installer and Knossos have been updated.  If you prefer to install it manually, download it here.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 12:46:23 am by Goober5000 »


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
The classic returns!  Awesome!  :yes:
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Yeach i renember the firsf mission
You need to disable fighter wing the whole


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
You really have way too much free time :P.

Thank you!
Exile | Shadow Genesis | Inferno | Series Resurrecta  | DA Profile | P3D Profile

Proud owner of NyctiShipyards. Remember - Nyx will fix it!

All of my assets including models, textures, skyboxes, effects may be used under standard CC BY-NC 4.0 license.


Offline CT27

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Thank you Goober!

However, would it be possible to put the new model Warlock in there?  Also, the Scorpions looked like their old selves and not 2014 MediaVPs.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Y'all are welcome. :)

It's not possible to use the new Warlock model because of the different number and arrangement of turrets.  This would entail rebalancing.  I didn't want to make actual gameplay changes; I just fixed bugs.

The Scorpion model is not part of the regular MVPs since it does not appear in FS2.  It would require the model from the FSPort MVPs.  But I didn't think it was worth adding any HTL models because they would look out of place next to the standard-poly models that make up the rest of the Inferno ship set.


Offline Novachen

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Is this version still playable with Retail?  ;)

AFAIK both old Infernos had the same infamous doctrin like the FSPort... it still have to be playable with Retail  :D
Female FreeSpace 2 pilot since 1999.
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Is one of my releases broken or not working? Please send a PM here, on Discord at @novachen or on Twitter @NovachenFS2, a public tweet or write a reply in my own release threads here on HLP, because these are the only threads i am still participating in.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Considering that I wanted to add a checkpoint and checkpoints aren't supported in Retail, I did not retain Retail compatibility. :p


Offline Woomeister

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
AFAIK both old Infernos had the same infamous doctrin like the FSPort... it still have to be playable with Retail  :D
R1 was from before the source code was released so it was originally built only for retail. The SCP patch was made to fix bugs that could only be found using SCP debug builds that didn't really stop it running fine on retail.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
hey thanks :-)
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
a day later and here I am, trying to launch it and getting the following error:

mv_mus.tbm (line 72): Missing required token: [#Soundtrack End]. Found [#Name: FS2_Amb_B01.ogg   and so on

Seems to me like the config is not in order.
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
hey thanks :-)

You're welcome!  Happy to breathe new life into an old classic. :D

a day later and here I am, trying to launch it and getting the following error:

mv_mus.tbm (line 72): Missing required token: [#Soundtrack End]. Found [#Name: FS2_Amb_B01.ogg   and so on

Seems to me like the config is not in order.

This is a SCP bug.  Either disable MV_Music.vp, or use a recent nightly build.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Is there any other way around this bug, anything newer than Oct. 31st gives me graphical anomalies.  BTW, I get a slightly different error message.  Mine says:   "mv_mus.tbm (line 86): Missing required token: [#Soundtrack End]. Found [#SoundTrack Start] instead"
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Is there any other way around this bug, anything newer than Oct. 31st gives me graphical anomalies.
Define "graphical anomalies".
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
I've mentioned them in other threads, such as in the support forum.  Unfortunately, they sometimes don't manifest with one mod, but will with another.  With this mod however, builds such as March 7th looks proper, but the radar is completely empty... no dots at all.  Also, in the lab, there's no grid around the titles & shipnames.  New builds such as the June 6th however, all models are being rendered in the lab, but in the loadout screen and in mission, they come up blank.  Oddly enough however, in the first mission as the Carolina warps in, it is initially visible, but then almost completely vanishes as soon as the jump is complete.  All that is visible is the engine plumes and a couple of submodel details on the ventral.  I also saw some bombs fly by that were being rendered.  Radar is empty in this build as well.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Is there any other way around this bug

Disabling MV_Music.vp doesn't work?


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
I was hoping to not lose the enhanced music qualities.  It's odd how the thing its complaining about doesn't exist.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Crash on the last mission when destroying a comm node crystal:

Error: Model 22568 ('commnode.pof') must have at least one point from submodel_get_points_internal!
File: modelinterp.cpp
Line: 1342

ntdll.dll! NtWaitForSingleObject + 20 bytes
KERNELBASE.dll! WaitForSingleObjectEx + 162 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 2410971 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 3845724 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 3048897 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 3052061 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 1057114 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 672348 bytes
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fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 188040 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 26400 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 23013 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 946276 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 7161 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! SDL_main + 140 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_1_20180506_a90e480_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
KERNEL32.DLL! BaseThreadInitThunk + 20 bytes
ntdll.dll! RtlUserThreadStart + 33 bytes


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
Crash on the last mission when destroying a comm node crystal:

Error: Model 22568 ('commnode.pof') must have at least one point from submodel_get_points_internal!
File: modelinterp.cpp
Line: 1342

This is a known issue that has been fixed.  A more recent nightly build should work.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Unofficial RELEASE: Inferno R1 Patched
So I may have found a solution to my graphical issues... for this campaign anyway.  First, to recap:

Build - 2017-10-31 - Last build I knew without any graphical problems, but complain about the music thing.
Builds just after 10-31 - Often work initially, but subsequent restarts of the build result in zero ambient lighting.  Light sources are glowmaps & points, weapons, engines, & background.
Somewhere after 10-31 and before 2018-03-07 this lighting issue appears to have been fixed, but radar is empty.
New builds - no radar, & (with a few random exceptions) no model rendering.  It should be noted however, that these graphical issues are NOT present in debug builds, but they're too slow to play on.

It appears however that the Jan 4th build has the lighting issue fixed but the radar is still working.  Now, with my track record, I might load it up tonight only to have the lighting issue show up again.  Also, this build isn't new enough for Nostos.

I should also mention that I went through and squashed more model & table bugs, imported some higher-detailed models & effects, added afterburner trails, radar icons, muzzle flashes, turret initial positioning & movement sounds & replaced rendered stars with the starfield skybox.  Some of the models I imported were simple drop-in replacements, while others needed careful comparing between old & new models, and the table to make sure everything is as close as possible to the original.  Some of the models are openly available, while others... I must admit, were extracted from Nostos or from what I have of my last version of R1 prior to my... drifting away.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!