Author Topic: Archangel TEST Release - UPDATED 01.01.2018  (Read 4196 times)

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Offline TrashMan

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Archangel TEST Release - UPDATED 01.01.2018

I had hoped to have a more complete version by New Years, but...

- improved texturing (still not fully done)
- a few more details on the Archangel
- normal maps
- fusion turret finished and replaced
- missile hatches fixed (hopefully)
- side turrets working properly
- proper -wpn.tbm file added with new weapons
- added sound files for the weapons too

This test version  (v.01 )has some issues:
- The UV mapping of the hull was not complete, so I threw together a quick (still unfinished) paint job.
- not all textures have glow/shine/normal maps (the 3 basic hull textures are the same, you can just copy-paste the shine/normal of mtl5_d and re-name it to armor_blue armor_darkgrey)
- no debris or lods
- flak cannons float above the hull a bit (accidentally deleted he turret base before converting. Noticed just now)
- included some weapons and bitmaps/effecst in the file, but not all. Replace weapons where necessary. No sounds included

What this ship does have:
- 8x3 heavy main cannons
- 8x2 heavy coilguns
- 4x2 heavy fusion cannons
- 4 heavy beam cannons
- 3 super-heavy missile launchers (limited ammo)
- 1 photon topedo launcher
- 4 anti-fighter missile launchers
- 18 anti-fighter beams
- 9x2 gattling cannons (3 heavy, 2 laser, 5 standard)
- 4 quadripple heavy flak turrets
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 04:05:33 pm by TrashMan »
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Offline Nyctaeus

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Yeah... That's definitely big, solid piece of a ship! Textures obviously needs more work, but upgraded mesh is hell of a job :yes:

Is this gonna retain it's four spinal cannons? I remember big torpedo launchers from previous release. I see someking of reverse thrusters insted in this model.
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Offline TrashMan

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Yeah... That's definitely big, solid piece of a ship! Textures obviously needs more work, but upgraded mesh is hell of a job :yes:

Is this gonna retain it's four spinal cannons? I remember big torpedo launchers from previous release. I see someking of reverse thrusters insted in this model.

Yeah, They were way too big for that purpose, so I turned them into retro thrusters.

It does have 3 big missile launchers (1 fore and 1 on each side) that launch very big and veeeery powerful missiles
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Archangel TEST Release - UPDATED 01.01.2018

- improved texturing (still not fully done)
- a few more details on the Archangel
- normal maps
- fusion turret finished and replaced
- missile hatches fixed (hopefully)
- side turrets working properly
- proper -wpn.tbm file added with new weapons
- added sound files for the weapons too
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 04:34:56 am by TrashMan »
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Archangel TEST Release - UPDATED 01.01.2018
Anyone try the new version?
I'd appreciate some feedback.

FYI - I forgot to add dock points and fighterbay paths....
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Re: Archangel TEST Release - UPDATED 01.01.2018
Small nitpick ;)
It should be -wep.tbm.
and in Archangel-shp.tbm
Code: [Select]
$Subsystem:                     Turret33,               4, 2.0
$Default PBanks:        ( "AAAf" )
$Subsystem:                     Turret34,               4, 2.0
$Default PBanks:        ( "AAAf" )
$Subsystem:                     Turret25,               4, 2.0
$Default PBanks:        ( "AAAf" )
$Subsystem:                     Turret26,               4, 2.0
$Default PBanks:        ( "AAAf" )
$Subsystem:                     Turret27,               4, 2.0
$Default PBanks:        ( "AAAf" )
$Subsystem:                     Turret28,               4, 2.0
$Default PBanks:        ( "AAAf" )
turrets 25, 26, 27, 28 should be 35, 36, 37, 38.

In model there is
Code: [Select]
$glow_texture=$glow_texture=red_glow_small one $glow_texture= too much

Overall model looks nice. :nod:


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Archangel TEST Release - UPDATED 01.01.2018
That's what I get for putting this thing up late at night...

I'll fix it this weekend.
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Offline HLD_Prophecy

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Re: Archangel TEST Release - UPDATED 01.01.2018
Thanks for putting this up! I love the look of this ship, hopefully someone will put it to good use. :)