Author Topic: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian  (Read 73821 times)

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Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
Your ships.tbl has typos. The attached version has those typos fixed.

Thanks, MJN. Downloaded already.


Offline XappiK

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
I did try which is how I know that I would need to restart as I get a new error appearing when I select the existing pilot using an older version of FSO.

I know a while ago, FSO changed the way how pilots were being managed but I cannot remember which version this changed. I believe this could be the reason why I would have to restart the campaign.

Looks like I will have to wait for the restoration project to bring the mod up to date. Thanks for the content though Herkie, I have enjoyed playing them.


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
I did try which is how I know that I would need to restart as I get a new error appearing when I select the existing pilot using an older version of FSO.

Oh man, yeah. I have this problem too. You need to start with a new pilot. Clone your previous pilot so that you will retain your settings.

It because there some changes in the files.


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
NEW UPDATE - 5/3/2022

A follow-up update to the April 6, 2022 update. This covers the mission files. Some adjustments to the difficulty factor in some missions and some bug fixes. Download and replace the previous "TBG-Missions.vp" file.



Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
I updated this file in TBG.

I got this error when playing on FS0 22.0 with the 4.5.x MVPs

Error: ships.tbl(line 944):
Error: Expected float, found [ 140..0 ].

File: parselo.cpp
Line: 318

ntdll.dll! NtWaitForSingleObject + 20 bytes
KERNELBASE.dll! WaitForSingleObjectEx + 142 bytes
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_22_0_0_x64_SSE2.exe! <no symbol>
KERNEL32.DLL! BaseThreadInitThunk + 20 bytes
ntdll.dll! RtlUserThreadStart + 33 bytes

Two comments:
1-After this went to desktop, I hit 'debug' on the little error popup that came up and then went back into the game.  It appeared to play normally so while I would hope for an update to fix the meantime it for now doesn't appear to be gamebreaking.
2-This only happened on 22.0 and 4.5.x   
When I used the 10-31-17 nightly with 2014 MVPs this error never came up.


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
It's a typo in the ships.tbl table. It's a value that should be "140.0"

I think I corrected that in AFR's ships.tbl table in the latest AFR update. Unfortunately, I haven't updated TBG's ships.tbl table. I forgot.

The latest TBG update are just the mission files. So... no, the mod tables are not updated.


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
June 12, 2022


Download and extract the files to the mod's root folder. This will replace the old files. The Release Post is also updated.

The update covers the compatibility issue when using FSO 22 and MVPS 4.5 --- Yes, only one issue: the "Don't Move" flag in the ship miscellaneous option. I thank CT27 for his observations when running TBG on FSO 22 because I am still using FSO 3.7.4 to update things and I can't get Knossos and FSO 22 to run in my end (believe me I tried everything). It's like updating things blind.

But... I found out the cause of this issue through "deductive reasoning." So I made the adjustments. Actually, only 2 missions had these compatability error;  the missions "A Wounded Fox" and "Lightning From Heaven."

I also adjusted the difficulty factors of these missions and other errors in the mission designs as reported by CT27. Also, some grammar corrections.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2022, 12:04:33 pm by herkie423 »

Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
Great stuff man;

I have actually become stuck in the game. On the mission to destroy the Dremora, after the destruction of the Dremora and all of her escorts there is no progression to end the mission.


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
You too... hmm. CT27 had this too. Are you using the latest TBG update? Try playing it again and don't go for the "full success" scenario (ex. No Shivan warship escaped and taskforce intact), just destroy Demora and see if you get the error.

Anyway, I will check into this.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
Herkie contacted me on FB and told me to post some of these update notes for TBG (fixes that will be in the upcoming TBG update):

"Mission: A Wounded Fox
--- I fixed the Lucifer destroyer, Demora, not rotating to target Task Force Omega. Added a Lucifer asset with 0 foward velocity (old Lucifer model I'm afraid). I used the "ship swapping" method. But the swap will be detectable this time. An old Lucifer model suddenly changed to a new one, not much I can do there. However, you will only see this if you fail. I still can't see the "no RTB error" you said 2 years ago.

Mission: The Floating Fortress
--- I reduced the number of Shivan fighters protecting the 2 Asuras. I also added more time for the player to reach the big Shivan beam sentry cannons before they fire at the friendly fleet.

Mission: Reunion
--- fixed the "no conversation/progression" error.

Mission: Lightning From Heaven
--- Fixed the Archangel error. Used the same "add asset / ship swapping" method.

Mission: Plans to Negotiate
--- fixed the Galahad / Bellatrix issue.

I also made further adjustments in many missions, some of them reducing the difficulty."


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian

But the swap will be detectable this time. An old Lucifer model suddenly changed to a new one, not much I can do there. However, you will only see this if you fail.

My mistake. The new asset, "SD Lucifer#NoMove" still uses the default MVPs model. And since, I did not add a Lucifer model. No old Lucifer model will show.


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
Last update of AFR2 is now on Knossos
Cutscene Upgrade Project - Mainhall Remakes - Between the Ashes
Youtube Channel - P3D Model Box
Between the Ashes is looking for committed testers, PM me for details.
Freespace Upgrade Project See what's happening.


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
Last update of AFR2 is now on Knossos

A million thanks, MJN. I greatly appreciate it.


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
October 28, 2022

Just a small update done to the missions:
--Minor mission adjustments
--Grammar correction

This replace the TBG-Missions.vp file in the mod's root folder. Also refer to the "LATEST UPDATES" thread.



Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath II - The Blue Guardian
January 2, 2023

Just a small update done to the missions:
--Minor mission adjustments
--Grammar correction

This replace the TBG-Missions.vp file in the mod's root folder. Also refer to the "LATEST UPDATES" thread.