I guess it makes sense to write something about EFN history one day, and show the from the inside. There is exactly what you expect to see behind the labels of earther pride and power: Sociopath government, overgrown and inefficient administration, corporation lobbyism, corruption, nepotism, fiscal oppression and draconian law. Federation maintain monstrous propaganda machine mostly focused on earther superiority, shivan-driven paranoia and xenophoby focused on all those who does not share the view of Federation's leaders. EFN is soft-core autoritarian state. Maybe it's mostly not violent towards it's citizens, has no concentration camps and stuff, but for the common folk regulations are crushing, surveillance is everywhere and your career options are next to noexisting. If you happen to get born on Earth-controlled world, you will either become one of bilions of nameless cogs in the giant machine or become rejected from social dogma. Don't think Nazi Germany. Think Brave New World.
It's rival grew up in the shadow and opposition of such monstrous regime, and although ORS was founded on liberal virtues, they are far from being typical good guys. The Syndicate is cold and pragmatic. Those guys will not hesitate to commit sometimes cruel things if they can contribute to Syndicate's greatest goal - survival. One of saddest things about Exile is the fact, that after eventual victory, the ORS would evolve into liberal, decentralized, democratic state with strong focus on personal rights, fair law, direct democracy, free market, respect for individuality and freedom of speech. ORS suspected that former colonies of the GTA and Vasudan Empire mutated into something greater. If GTVA manage to reestablish permanent subspace connection with Sol, the Syndicate would like to join. Unfortunately it's a story that will never happen.
Although the backstory of Exile is vaguely portrayed due to Shivan-centric nature of Exile narrative, it also has potential for a story on it's own. Another story about society rejecting freedom for illusion of safety. At some point, a minicampaign set during Rim Conflict was planned - the Origins, but I doubt if it will ever happen.