Author Topic: Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet  (Read 8689 times)

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Offline CT27

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Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet
What if instead of finding Nostos' GTVA...when the Earth Alliance launched their invasion of GTVA space they encountered the GTVA from Blue Planet instead?

Tech-wise, would the EA do better against the BP Tevs?  How would Admiral Steele do against this invasion force?


Offline QuakeIV

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Re: Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet
So sayeth me and not the lord but it seems like the EA would make some initial gains and then get crushed by a massive counterattack.  I think the BP GTVA has a lot more on hand that it can more or less immediately throw at the enemy if they pose a big enough threat.


Offline 5thAce

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Re: Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet
Yes, definitely want to see how this one goes! An Erebus vs. the Nemesis, I'm pretty certain would go to the Nemesis. 


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Re: Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet
There's an extra variable to add to this equation: the differences between the Earth Alliance in INFR1 and its Nostos version are way more remarkable than the differences between the two GTVAs (Nostos and BP).

The actual scale of the EA is completely different in Nostos.  :)
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Re: Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet
I would want ringside seats for this one that's for sure :-)
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Re: Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet
I'd side with tevs.... But all my stuff is in England... 🤔🤔😬
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Re: Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet
TEI has very few extremely effective warships and whole fleet of Capella-era warships basically untouched. GTVA in Nostos is more balanced, having all older warships retrofitted but no truly superb warships like Erebus. Phobos is probably comparable to Bellerophon, but the latter has more sustained nature of dealing damage. Phaeton would be outmatched by Erebus [except shockjumping], but Boreas can easily rival the Titan.

I think BP-GTVA would succeed at offense against the EA, but would struggle if the EA is the agressor. Both TEI-GTVA and EA are extremely potent at hard-engaging isolated targets, but EA can do it only thanks to Lindos-class destroyers. If EA decide to blitzkrieg TEI fleets [even accepting considerable looses], they would gain the upper hand. TEI would not be able to respond quickly due to the numbers EA can muster to the battle.

From technical side, both fleets would require rebalancing. TEI ships in BP are balanced for "subspace chess"-style warfare, while missions in Nostos favours slower ways of dealing damage. Also both mods comes with dedicated sets of armor and damage types.

I'm not BP expert, but I would expect utilitarian approach from the Steele. The mind behind the EA invasion is Admiral Falon, who is potent tactician on his own. I guess Steele would hunt down important figures in EA fleets [like Admiral Spiros] to cripple coordination of storming EA fleet, then strike to hit the beast in the heart.
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Re: Earth Alliance vs. GTVA from Blue Planet
I think it would be a great story and a great matchup.