Se: اَلشَّاهِين
Su: Here you go
Ti: N/A, no metadata available.
Em: N/A, no metadata available.
These records are guano; someone's sanitized the telemetry. Partial transmissions divided into partial transmissions. This could be seventeen, but this could also be any one of over eighty false positives.
Avoid getting your hopes up. We will be back to square one if we start projecting desirables onto a blank page.
Capella. Record 3781.
(Logs truncated for brevity)
Big dumb multispectrals blueshift scalar shockstreams. Energetic conversion nigh close to antiprotons. Low-end coruscation you wouldn’t believe. Like watching a universe fizzing out of a bottle, all monopole and whatnot. Got me reaching for the ‘Gita.
NIMROD pinged nemesis, pre-hop spool, tracking multiple emendations. Magnetometers show her shadow. She’s close enough to reach out, my Gods. Trashed N-3813 with converging contact.
Commensurate N-Space flexure at the Heterojunction. Labyrinthine pingback disrupting tracking effort. Breathtaking visuals, awful data incongruence. Consider running from a rabid bear to be suboptimal lab conditions. Reading fuzzed by fire chatter, we...
...Break break, Darts entangled, the Darts are entangled. The wind gave them up, my god. Pull to triage, this is all we're going to get...
4:13 (garbled)
Emendation panic, Bearhowl communing entry. Attempting to blow duct, stand by,
How is the good work going at Serpentis B?