Debug continued:
Encounter: Thorn#Nascent, Thorn#Nascent, Bark#Nascent, Bark#Nascent, Thorn#Nascent, Bark#Nascent,
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 4.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 5.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 6.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 7.
Encounter: Thorn#Nascent, Bark#Nascent, waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 7.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 8.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 5.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 9.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 8.
made a new ship Bark#Nascent#1
making state for Bark#Nascent#1waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 4.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 10.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 6.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 11.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 9.
made a new ship Thorn#Nascent#2
making state for Thorn#Nascent#2waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 10.
made a new ship Thorn#Nascent#3
making state for Thorn#Nascent#3waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 11.
made a new ship Bark#Nascent#4
making state for Bark#Nascent#4no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Thorn#Nascent#2
Wave: Bark#Nascent#1, Thorn#Nascent#3, Bark#Nascent#4,
Encounter: 102, 103, no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Thorn#Nascent#3waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 12.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 13.
Wave: Bark#Nascent#1, Bark#Nascent#4,
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 13.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 14.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 14.
made a new ship Bark#Nascent#5
making state for Bark#Nascent#5waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 12.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 15.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 15.
made a new ship Thorn#Nascent#6
making state for Thorn#Nascent#6clearing state for Bark#Nascent#1
Wave: Bark#Nascent#4, Bark#Nascent#5, Thorn#Nascent#6,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Bark#Nascent#4
Wave: Bark#Nascent#5, Thorn#Nascent#6,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Bark#Nascent#5
Wave: Thorn#Nascent#6,
Encounter: clearing state for Thorn#Nascent#6waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 16.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 16.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 17.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 17.
numRerolls: 1
numdrops: 1WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'sEnvmap'.
WARNING: Failed to find uniform 'sIrrmap'.
picking up Upgrade
item name: Upgrade#7
upgrade: TurretsCouldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Alpha 1 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
no state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, state for Seed 1 1 1, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 18.
no state for Seed 1 1 1, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 18.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 19.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 19.
starting encounter
Encounter: Thorn#Nascent, Thorn#Nascent, Sorus#Nascent, Spore#Nascent,
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 20.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 21.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 22.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 23.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 24.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 25.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 21.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 26.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 22.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 27.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 23.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 28.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 20.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 29.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 25.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 30.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 26.
made a new ship Thorn#Nascent#8
making state for Thorn#Nascent#8waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 27.
made a new ship Sorus#Nascent#9
making state for Sorus#Nascent#9waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 28.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#10
making state for Spore#Nascent#10No XSTR entry in strings.tbl for index 1670
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 29.
made a new ship Thorn#Nascent#11
making state for Thorn#Nascent#11waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 24.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 31.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 30.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#12
making state for Spore#Nascent#12waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 31.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#13
making state for Spore#Nascent#13no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Thorn#Nascent#8
Wave: Sorus#Nascent#9, Spore#Nascent#10, Thorn#Nascent#11, Spore#Nascent#12, Spore#Nascent#13,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Thorn#Nascent#11
Wave: Sorus#Nascent#9, Spore#Nascent#10, Spore#Nascent#12, Spore#Nascent#13,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#10
Wave: Sorus#Nascent#9, Spore#Nascent#12, Spore#Nascent#13,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#12
Wave: Sorus#Nascent#9, Spore#Nascent#13,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Spore#Nascent#13
Wave: Sorus#Nascent#9,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Sorus#Nascent#9waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 32.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 32.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 33.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 33.
picking up Weaponno state for Seed 1 1 3, state for Seed 1 1 3, state for Seed 1 1 3, state for Seed 1 1 3, state for Seed 1 1 3, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 34.
no state for Seed 1 1 3, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 34.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 35.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 35.
starting encounter
Encounter: Frond#Nascent, Stamen#Nascent, Frond#Nascent,
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 36.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 37.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 38.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 37.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 39.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 38.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 40.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 39.
made a new ship Stamen#Nascent#18
making state for Stamen#Nascent#18waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 36.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 41.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 40.
made a new ship Frond#Nascent#19
making state for Frond#Nascent#19waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 41.
made a new ship Frond#Nascent#20
making state for Frond#Nascent#20no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Stamen#Nascent#18
Wave: Frond#Nascent#19, Frond#Nascent#20,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Frond#Nascent#19
Wave: Frond#Nascent#20,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Frond#Nascent#20waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 42.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 42.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 43.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 43.
numRerolls: 1
numdrops: 1
picking up Upgrade
item name: Upgrade#22
upgrade: Zealous DynamoCouldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Alpha 1 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 44.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 44.
MOVING STUFFgenerating zone 2waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 45.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 45.
MOVING STUFFgenerating zone 3waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 46.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 46.
no state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, state for Seed 1 3 4, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 47.
no state for Seed 1 3 4, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 47.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 48.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 48.
starting encounter
Encounter: Pistil#Mature, Frond#Nascent, Spore#Nascent,
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 49.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 50.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 51.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 52.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 53.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 52.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 54.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 49.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 55.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 53.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 56.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 54.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#23
making state for Spore#Nascent#23waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 55.
made a new ship Pistil#Mature#24
making state for Pistil#Mature#24waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 56.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#25
making state for Spore#Nascent#25waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 50.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 57.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 51.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 58.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 57.
made a new ship Frond#Nascent#26
making state for Frond#Nascent#26waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 58.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#27
making state for Spore#Nascent#27no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 59.
clearing state for Pistil#Mature#24
Wave: Spore#Nascent#23, Spore#Nascent#25, Frond#Nascent#26, Spore#Nascent#27,
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 59.
clearing state for Spore#Nascent#23
Wave: Spore#Nascent#25, Frond#Nascent#26, Spore#Nascent#27,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#27
Wave: Spore#Nascent#25, Frond#Nascent#26,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#25
Wave: Frond#Nascent#26,
Encounter: waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 60.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 60.
no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Frond#Nascent#26waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 61.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 61.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 62.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 62.
numRerolls: 3
numdrops: 1
picking up Upgrade
item name: Upgrade#28
upgrade: Reflecting ShardCouldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Alpha 1 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 63.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 63.
no state for Seed 1 3 1, state for Seed 1 3 1, state for Seed 1 3 1, state for Seed 1 3 1, state for Seed 1 3 1, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 64.
no state for Seed 1 3 1, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 64.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 65.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 65.
starting encounter
Encounter: Stamen#Nascent, Spore#Nascent, Sorus#Nascent, Thorn#Nascent, Sorus#Mature,
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 66.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 67.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 68.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 69.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 70.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 71.
Encounter: Sorus#Mature, waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 68.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 72.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 69.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 73.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 70.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 74.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 66.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 75.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 72.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#29
making state for Spore#Nascent#29waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 73.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#30
making state for Spore#Nascent#30waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 74.
made a new ship Sorus#Nascent#31
making state for Sorus#Nascent#31waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 75.
made a new ship Stamen#Nascent#32
making state for Stamen#Nascent#32waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 71.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 76.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 67.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 77.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 76.
made a new ship Thorn#Nascent#33
making state for Thorn#Nascent#33waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 77.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#34
making state for Spore#Nascent#34waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 78.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 78.
no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Sorus#Nascent#31
Wave: Spore#Nascent#29, Spore#Nascent#30, Stamen#Nascent#32, Thorn#Nascent#33, Spore#Nascent#34,
Encounter: 204, no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Bramble, state for Bramble, state for Alpha 1, state for Bramble, state for Bramble, state for Bramble, state for Bramble, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 79.
clearing state for Stamen#Nascent#32
Wave: Spore#Nascent#29, Spore#Nascent#30, Thorn#Nascent#33, Spore#Nascent#34,
Encounter: 204, waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 79.
no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Thorn#Nascent#33
Wave: Spore#Nascent#29, Spore#Nascent#30, Spore#Nascent#34,
Encounter: 204, clearing state for Spore#Nascent#34waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 80.
Wave: Spore#Nascent#29, Spore#Nascent#30,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#29
Wave: Spore#Nascent#30,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#30
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 80.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 81.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 81.
made a new ship Sorus#Mature#36
making state for Sorus#Mature#36no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 82.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 82.
clearing state for Sorus#Mature#36waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 83.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 83.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 84.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 84.
numRerolls: 3
numdrops: 2
generating Ramming Spikes...
generating Afterburner Engine...
picking up Upgrade
item name: Upgrade#40option
upgrade: Afterburner EngineCouldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Alpha 1 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Alpha 1 for repair subsystem
Invalid Shipname in SEXP set-alpha-multiplier. Ship / Wing must be present.
Invalid Shipname in SEXP set-alpha-multiplier. Ship / Wing must be present.
no state for Seed 1 3 2, state for Seed 1 3 2, state for Seed 1 3 2, state for Seed 1 3 2, state for Seed 1 3 2, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 85.
no state for Seed 1 3 2, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 85.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 86.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 86.
starting encounter
Encounter: Bark#Nascent, Pistil#Mature, Frond#Nascent, Frond#Nascent,
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 87.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 88.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 89.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 90.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 87.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 91.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 91.
made a new ship Bark#Nascent#41
making state for Bark#Nascent#41waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 89.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 92.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 90.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 93.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 88.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 94.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 92.
made a new ship Frond#Nascent#42
making state for Frond#Nascent#42waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 93.
made a new ship Frond#Nascent#43
making state for Frond#Nascent#43waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 94.
made a new ship Pistil#Mature#44
making state for Pistil#Mature#44no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Bark#Nascent#41
Wave: Frond#Nascent#42, Frond#Nascent#43, Pistil#Mature#44,
Encounter: waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 95.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 95.
clearing state for Pistil#Mature#44
Wave: Frond#Nascent#42, Frond#Nascent#43,
Encounter: waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 96.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 96.
no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...clearing state for Frond#Nascent#42
Wave: Frond#Nascent#43,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 97.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 97.
clearing state for Frond#Nascent#43waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 98.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 98.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 99.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 99.
picking up WeaponModel dart.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.)
no state for Seed 1 3 3, state for Seed 1 3 3, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 100.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 100.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 101.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 101.
starting encounter
Encounter: Sorus#Mature, Stamen#Nascent, Spore#Nascent, Stamen#Nascent, Spore#Nascent,
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 102.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 103.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 104.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 105.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 106.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 107.
Encounter: Spore#Nascent, waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 107.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 108.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 106.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 109.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 105.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 110.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 103.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 111.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 104.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 112.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 108.
made a new ship Stamen#Nascent#48
making state for Stamen#Nascent#48waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 102.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 113.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 109.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#49
making state for Spore#Nascent#49waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 110.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#50
making state for Spore#Nascent#50waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 111.
made a new ship Stamen#Nascent#51
making state for Stamen#Nascent#51waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 112.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#52
making state for Spore#Nascent#52waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 113.
made a new ship Sorus#Mature#53
making state for Sorus#Mature#53no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 114.
no state for Bramble, state for Bramble, state for Bramble, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 114.
clearing state for Stamen#Nascent#48
Wave: Spore#Nascent#49, Spore#Nascent#50, Stamen#Nascent#51, Spore#Nascent#52, Sorus#Mature#53,
Encounter: 101, no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Bramble, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 115.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 115.
clearing state for Sorus#Mature#53
Wave: Spore#Nascent#49, Spore#Nascent#50, Stamen#Nascent#51, Spore#Nascent#52,
Encounter: 101, clearing state for Spore#Nascent#50
Wave: Spore#Nascent#49, Stamen#Nascent#51, Spore#Nascent#52,
Encounter: 101, clearing state for Spore#Nascent#49waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 116.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 117.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 118.
Wave: Stamen#Nascent#51, Spore#Nascent#52,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#52
Wave: Stamen#Nascent#51,
Encounter: no state for Alpha 1, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 116.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 119.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 117.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 120.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 118.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 121.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 119.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#55
making state for Spore#Nascent#55waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 120.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#56
making state for Spore#Nascent#56waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 121.
made a new ship Spore#Nascent#57
making state for Spore#Nascent#57no state for Bramble, state for Bramble, state for Bramble, bailing...clearing state for Stamen#Nascent#51
Wave: Spore#Nascent#55, Spore#Nascent#56, Spore#Nascent#57,
Encounter: no state for Bramble, state for Bramble, state for Bramble, state for Bramble, bailing...clearing state for Spore#Nascent#56
Wave: Spore#Nascent#55, Spore#Nascent#57,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#55
Wave: Spore#Nascent#57,
Encounter: clearing state for Spore#Nascent#57waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 122.
Encounter: waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 122.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 123.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 123.
picking up EquipmentFrame 56003 too long!!: frametime = 0.373 (0.373)
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 124.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 124.
no state for Inflorescence#3, state for Inflorescence#3, bailing...
making state for Inflorescence#1
making state for Inflorescence#2
making state for Inflorescence#3
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1
boss ship died Big Debris Ball1
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 125.
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 125.
no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1
boss ship died Big Debris Ball1
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 126.
no state for InflorShield1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 126.
no state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1
boss ship died Inflorescence#Bulb1Invalid Shipname in SEXP ship-effect
boss ship died Big Debris Ball1
boss ship died Small Debris Ball1clearing state for Inflorescence#3no state for InflorShield2, state for InflorShield2, state for Alpha 1, state for InflorShield2, state for InflorShield2, state for InflorShield2, state for InflorShield2, state for InflorShield2, state for InflorShield2, state for InflorShield2, state for InflorShield2, state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball261726 frames executed in 30.006 seconds, 2057.123 frames per second.
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
boss ship died Big Debris Ball2
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
boss ship died Big Debris Ball2
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2no state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
boss ship died Inflorescence#Bulb2Invalid Shipname in SEXP ship-effect
boss ship died Big Debris Ball2
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
making state for Spore#83
making state for Spore#84
maybeSpawnSporesclearing state for Inflorescence#1no state for Alpha 1, state for InflorShield3, state for InflorShield3, state for InflorShield3, state for InflorShield3, state for InflorShield3, state for InflorShield3, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 127.
no state for InflorShield3, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2BEAM : killing beam because turret has been destroyed!
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 127.
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
boss ship died Spore#Matureclearing state for Spore#84
boss ship died Spore#Matureclearing state for Spore#83
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
boss ship died Big Debris Ball2
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...
making state for Spore#90
maybeSpawnSporesno state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2no state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, state for Alpha 1, bailing...
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
boss ship died Big Debris Ball2
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2
boss ship died Inflorescence#Bulb3
boss ship died Big Debris Ball2
boss ship died Small Debris Ball2clearing state for Inflorescence#2no state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, bailing...
boss ship died Inflorescence#CorewaitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 128.
no state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, state for Inflorescence#Core, bailing...Null vec3d in vec3d normalize.
Trace out of vecmat.cpp and find offending code.
Null vec3d in vec3d normalize.
Trace out of vecmat.cpp and find offending code.
Null vec3d in vec3d normalize.
Trace out of vecmat.cpp and find offending code.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 128.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 129.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 129.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 130.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 130.
picking up AbscissionwaitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 131.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 131.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 132.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 132.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 133.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 133.
Model bg2.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.)
Unloading model 'bg.pof' from slot '42'
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 134.
generating zone 1Frame 67698 too long!!: frametime = 0.575 (0.575)
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 134.
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Stand in#2 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Stand in#2 for repair subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Stand in#2 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret06 on ship Stand in#2 for sabotage subsystem
Couldn't find subsystem turret05 on ship Stand in#2 for repair subsystem
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 135.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 135.
no state for Seed 2 1 4, state for Seed 2 1 4, state for Seed 2 1 4, state for Seed 2 1 4, state for Seed 2 1 4, bailing...waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 136.
no state for Seed 2 1 4, bailing...waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 136.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 137.
waitAsync: Timestamp has elapsed for asynchronous context 137.
starting encounter
Encounter: Sorus#Mature, Lamella#Mature, Bract#Mature, Bract#Mature,
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 138.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 139.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 140.
waitAsync: Creating asynchronous context 141.