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« Last Edit: April 30, 2023, 09:30:39 am by wolfman-x »

Re: New 24 mission MC2X Campaign on the way
Oh that's neat.

I still play MC2 from time to time, even though we're lucky to live in a world where we now also have the battletech videogame to scratch that tactical 'mech action itch.

Re: New 24 mission MC2X Campaign on the way
Can you put the site to find your stuff?

I found your Carver 5 campaign and that is full screen for me by default so I will be playing your mods if I want to do MC2.

I will not post here anything anymore; good bye.

Admin; please remove my account.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2023, 09:47:49 am by wolfman-x »

Re: New 24 mission MC2X Campaign on the way
Can you put the site to find your stuff?