Author Topic: Project GXYZ Release Thread  (Read 6587 times)

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Offline Iain Baker

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Project GXYZ Release Thread
"Have you ever felt it was a bit odd that in FreeSPACE the fighters and bombers behaved like aeroplanes? Or been frustrated that the ships’ designers appeared to have forgotten to instal a reverse gear? Have you wanted the craft in FS to move and glide like a Starfury from Babylon 5 and its FS Total Conversion - The Babylon Project? If so, then Project GXYZ is for you."

What is Project GXYZ and why is it called this?

Project GXYZ is an addon project intended to enable FreeSpace fighters and bombers to Glide (the ability to fly along a vector independent of which way they are facing) and the ability to move vertically, horizontally and backwards - i.e., the X, Y, and Z axes. And I'm calling it Project GXYZ because the previous sentence doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue 😉

How does it work?

Project GXYZ aims to create an easily configurable, risk-free, drop-in / drop-out enhancement to FSO’s flight mechanics, by leveraging simple tables and command line references.

The video below shows it in action:

Like what you see? Then please see the linked How To Guide and FAQs to see how you can have this too.

So far, I have created GXYZ mods for:

FS1 + ST: R
FS2 and BP – (not sure if this overwrites the 'introns' thing in AoA – needs further testing and the Vishnan ships haven’t been done yet).

I have also created versions for:

Series Resurrecta

These will be released once the in-progress updates of these campaigns have been released publicly to avoid spoilers, and in case these updates require a new ship table.

I plan to create versions for Shadow Genesis, BTA, Scrolls, Inferno, and the other campaigns that use non-canon ships throughout the year as I get around to them. (I'll upload them when they are ready and then share the links.)

Download links below:

How to Guide

GXYZ for FS Port, ST:R and FS1 based campaigns – Only Terran ships affected

GXYZ for FS Port, ST:R and FS1 based campaigns – All fighters and bombers affected

GXYZ for FS2, FSBlue and Blue Planet and related campaigns
« Last Edit: February 03, 2023, 12:21:14 pm by Iain Baker »
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Re: Project GXYZ Release Thread

Maybe you or somebody eles could provide a keyboard layout for this? I tend to use WASD for sidemovements but it is usually cluttering with the countless other controls...


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: Project GXYZ Release Thread
Yeah, finding spare keys after FS’s other controls had hogged them all was a bit of a challenge. I ended up using the keys at the top of the right side keypad, above my ETS controls (My keybinds in games in general would be seen as a bit odd by most people so I might not be the best person to ask  :lol:)

I’m thinking of using the arrow keys so it mirrors my FPS controls, but I usually use right Ctrl and right shift for jump and duck (in this case vertical movement) so I would need to rebind the single/double fire secondary function.

Having a HOTAS helped of course.

TBH for combat situations I have only found glide and reverse thrust to be useful. The lateral and vertical thrust is more for fine navigation, docking and the like, but this may change if I can figure out a better set of keybinds for them.

It will be interesting to see what other  people come up with   :)
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Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: Project GXYZ Release Thread
Yeah, the keybinds thing is a bit of problem as soon as you try to normalize thrust.

I’m thinking of using the arrow keys so it mirrors my FPS controls, but I usually use right Ctrl and right shift for jump and duck (in this case vertical movement) so I would need to rebind the single/double fire secondary function.

A keyboard layout after my own heart ;)

Congratulations on finally putting this in a release-able state!
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Offline Iain Baker

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Re: Project GXYZ Release Thread
Yeah, the keybinds thing is a bit of problem as soon as you try to normalize thrust.

I’m thinking of using the arrow keys so it mirrors my FPS controls, but I usually use right Ctrl and right shift for jump and duck (in this case vertical movement) so I would need to rebind the single/double fire secondary function.

A keyboard layout after my own heart ;)

Congratulations on finally putting this in a release-able state!

I thought I was the only one using the arrow keys 😅

“Brother of the Cursor Keys Collective, we must teach the WASD degenerates the error of their ways”  :lol:

Thanks dude. I still don’t know how it all works, but it seems to work so that’s the main thing. I would have gotten it released earlier, but I had a lot of other extra curriculars on my plate, such as SerRes, Reunion etc. That and I’m easily distract -wow, look at thing out of the window  :p
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Offline Reythan

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Re: Project GXYZ Release Thread
This looks great!!! What I have found must comfortable for when maneuvering using mouse and key board is
W: forward thrust
S: reverse thrust
A: left thrust
D: right thrust
Q: Bank left
E: Bank right
1: Up Thrust
3: Down Thrust
F: Glide when pressed
Tab: Afterburner
Mouse: Pitch/Roll/Fire Guns, Missiles, Counter Measure
Z and C are for cycling through weapons

Curious to see what others use