Author Topic: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?  (Read 193 times)

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Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
I've been playing through FS1 Port with MVPs 4.7.3 on engine build 24.2.0, and I feel that engine wash isn't as noticeable as it used to be. I can't tell if I'm just imaging it, or if something has actually changed. Anybody know?


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
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    • Goober5000 Productions
Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
Engine wash has not been intentionally changed, but it's always possible that a bug was introduced somewhere.  Can you compare other mods or other FSO versions?


Offline den5

  • 27
Re: Has engine wash been toned down in 24.2.0?
Engine wash really doesn't work for at least a month. Tested on MVPs 4.7.3 and TBP 3.8 with fs2_open_24_1_0_20240930 and nightly build for 09 december, no shaking effect and engine wash inscription.