Author Topic: RELEASE: Inferno R2  (Read 145508 times)

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Offline twinkyt

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Working my way through this, not having played Inferno since R1 over a decade ago.

Just had to say that I love the Terran Trade Authority shout-outs.


Offline qweqwe321

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Bonus points for catching the TTA shoutouts. The TTA books were a huge influence on me as a kid.


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
YAY, finally finished the act 2...I really hope that we won't have to wait for R3 another 5 years.

My last suggestion/complain is those loading screen Star System charts - they are great, but they are small and blurry to the point it's very hard to read the node status or planets (e.g. I'm still not sure if the Ross 128 planet that blew up was the colonized one or non-colonized one).
If possible please make the central system (aka the one where the mission takes) be visibly bigger. The all writings (e.h. node status) as well.

Edit: One more bug - EAD Basileus entry is not added to Tech Room post battle where it appears.

Bunch of question going through FRED ships and TBL descriptions:
1) Is all the ship visible in FRED are the final ship list, or are there any ships to be introduced by R3? E.g. GTSD Odin, SJ Amritaya, SCa Shiamak.
2) Is Icanus texture final, it doesn't looks like any 3 EA pain shemes.
3) Icanus TBL descripiton contain a lot of spoilers.
4) Is Basileus the next generation destoryer to replace Tereus (mentioned in Tereus TBL description).
5) Is SH Garganth (aka bigger than SSJ Gigas/Anathema) still around?


Offline Colonol Dekker

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It mind of goes without saying that going into FRED or the tech room and reading info on ships not featured will, by its nature, be spoilers. :D
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
One thing that grow on me during the campaign is Inferno soundtrack selection.

At first I thought it was all over the place and almost completely lost FS2 vibes, but now I think it replaced it with worthy INF vibes :D

These are my favorite tracks:

Cycerin - Wet Asphalt

Nutritious - The Fallen

Nutritious - Ancient Enemies

Waterflame - Rupture

Kyle Richards - Terra Victor
<sadly no YT>


Offline CT27

  • 211
Overall I really liked this new release and enjoyed playing it.  Congratulations on the release!

I'll post some more thoughts later, but I have one question for now:  On the mission after you
retake the Sol Gate and defend it from EA counterstrikes
, you are given two corvettes to help you after you TAGed something.

I was able to beat the mission, but I don't think I quite understood the mechanic in that mission.  You had a number pad that said:
1-25% power
2-50% power
3-75% power
4-100% power

What exactly did those different settings do?  No matter which setting I had selected, the beams seemed to do about the same damage.


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
A page or two ago I complained about artificially invulnerable beams on Shivan destroyer.

It was Kalanemi/Ravana in The Walls of Jericho:

However, now I'm confused - in above Paladin video (timestamp 5:08) he has no problem destroying the beams - while I launched like 10 corinthos and put hundrerd rounds of Hastor/Vulcan only to find out the beam was still 100%.
This must have been some kind of bug, coz there is no chance in hell so many rounds and missile simply failed to connect.

I was under false impression that this was intentional/scripted, coz allied delta wing bombers had no problems taking down those beams.


Offline qweqwe321

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A page or two ago I complained about artificially invulnerable beams on Shivan destroyer.

It was Kalanemi/Ravana in The Walls of Jericho:

However, now I'm confused - in above Paladin video (timestamp 5:08) he has no problem destroying the beams - while I launched like 10 corinthos and put hundrerd rounds of Hastor/Vulcan only to find out the beam was still 100%.
This must have been some kind of bug, coz there is no chance in hell so many rounds and missile simply failed to connect.

I was under false impression that this was intentional/scripted, coz allied delta wing bombers had no problems taking down those beams.

Thanks for the bug report - I'll try to reproduce it.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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I still can't get past 'Ad Portas'.  At first, I decided that my desire to make sure no enemy warship managed to escape, by knocking out their engines before going for the HVAL turrets, was leaving me too exposed to enemy fire.  Once I tried to disable the first cruiser, going in with %90 hull, and was destroyed before managing to disable it.  I though, 'screw it' and just went for the disarming runs.  Then after forcing 2 cruisers to withdraw, I thought 'well, that last one is all alone, so I should be able to disable it no problem', but those fighters were on me so fast, and when you're getting buffeted by engine wash, you can't feel it when you get hit, so I was getting my ass shot off and didn't realize it until it was too late.  On my last run, I managed to force the cruisers to withdraw, then dealt with the corvettes, but was getting pissed off when the 'next turret' targeting feature, refused to prioritize the beam turrets, despite them being surrounded by yellow brackets.  I was taking evasive maneuvers, trying to avoid enemy fighters and turrets, while trying to target the beams, and it wouldn't.  For a time, it wouldn't target the ship as 'next enemy', always going for the nearby fighters.  It was infuriating.  Then, that comes in that targets that Vasudan one, and I try to knock out it's forward beam with my Corinthos.  Then I get the turret down to 6% health, and stops.  It was right here when I get killed, managing to survive the earlier exchanges at %7 health.  It takes about 45 minutes to play it the way I do, so I'll have to try again later.


Finally cleared it.  Had to make 2 more attempts, the first brought me to about the same point, but I wasn't paying attention to the Sebek's warning, and was destroyed in the blast wave.  Was ready on the second attempt.  Too bad I didn't have the weapons to take out those last 2 corvettes.  Gonna take a breather before going on to the next one.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 03:04:38 am by Trivial Psychic »
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Yeah, you're not really supposed to clear this mission perfectly. There's too much **** going on, which is deliberate. The targeting bug for the corvette turrets (targeting fighters via the F9 key) is weird. There has to be some event that manually sets the key to target specific fighters, since neither ship nor wing editors have that set, iirc.


Offline Mafu

  • 23
So is there a trick to getting this mod to recognize a joystick, or do I likely have some weird "me" problem in getting that to happen?  Other mods and regular old Freespace still detect it fine.


Offline SF-Junky

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So is there a trick to getting this mod to recognize a joystick, or do I likely have some weird "me" problem in getting that to happen?  Other mods and regular old Freespace still detect it fine.
I also had this issue. When you are in the options menu, press F3 and then you see the right settings.


Offline Mafu

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My man!


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Finally finished.  I wanted to share with you more of my lets-try-to-play-the-mission-different-and-either-break-it-or-get-more-kills attempts, this time with 'Clash of the TItans III'.  The vulnerabilities come in the fact that there are no penalties for not jumping to the new positions right away.  After taking down the Punisher's beam and reactors, instead of jumping out, I set about destroying everything I could.  Ultimately, that means everything short of the station and the Nemesis.  Taking out the corvettes was quite the challenge.  For the skotas, after disarming and disabling it, I just sicked my wingmen on it, having replaced Beta's 2nd bank with Corinthos instead of those fighter-suppression missiles.  It still took them quite a while though.  I also swapped out my Stilettos for Corinthos.  I had to disarm the station to ensure that my wingmen could go over to the other corvette without getting harassed.  I then set about destroying all of the Nemesis' turrets, but since the front cannon is guardian-ed, I couldn't take that one out.  Ultimately, my wingmen got that 2nd corvette down to about 9%, before I had to join them, and crank up the time compression all the way to 32.  My mission time was about 120 minutes when it finally blew.  Then, after joining the Bastion and going through the ambush, I had my wingmen stay around after everyone left, and I proceeded to disarm everything in sight.  In a previous playthrough, I'd disabled everything too, but that came with some mission-breaking side-effects, so I had to settle for just taking out their turrets, and weapons subsystems to be on the safe side.  I also used my Corinthos to destroy the Baselius (sp?) escort from distance until they stopped respawning.  Once everything had been disarmed, I jumped to the Bastion, went through the rest of the mission, and just relaxed when the destroyer trio arrived, as I'd already neutered them.  During my previous replay, when I'd disabled them as well, they were still loitering around ahead of the Bastion in the distance, and then when the trio arrived, they'd inherited the status of their copies, and so they didn't jump out once the Lindos got waxed, so the mission never ended.  Comically though, there was a bomber wing launched to destroy the Tereus, but they went for the one in the distance and destroyed that instead.

I'm not sure exactly what you could do to encourage the player to jump out.  Maybe try sending multiple wings and waves of highly skilled enemy fighters after you.  If you had time and opportunity to record more audio files, you could include warnings about the fact that Command needs you there or they'll abort the mission.  Take too long, and you lose.  The debriefing gives you a royal dressing down for throwing the entire sol campaign into chaos, just because you wanted to get more kills.

Anyway, I enjoyed the campaign, though I am a little disappointed that the Nemesis mission from the original Inferno, got reduced to a much less pivotal one.  I also would've liked to retain the scan-ships-at-the-gate mission from the original.  When I was working with the team in the pre-Nostos release, I'd modified the mission to include a portion where you get to swap out for an EA cloaking stealth fighter half-way through, and assassinate an agent.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


"Clash of the Titans III" will be redone for R3, it's been a bit of a hacky job. It's probably gonna be a two-parter, with the Neptune section being expanded on as a Red Alert.

The Nemesis mission is quite anticlimactic at the end, I agree.
As for the "Gateway" mission; that one will be included in R3. At least that's the current plan.


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
Looking forward to replay everything when R3 release.

Hopefully, I don't have to wait till 2030 for it.


Offline jbjhjm

  • 22
It's been an amazing trip so far! Thanks for this one, guys!
Cliffhanger makes me  :hopping: tho :D I sure hope to see R3 complete the story one day!  :nod:

I was quite fascinated by how "complete" the R2 felt in terms of immersion and storytelling.
The voice acting, albeit not perfect (some speaker's audio was a bit muffled and misbalanced in terms of volume) added so much value, making it feel much more cohesive than other releases of previous years.

I have split feelings about the music tho.
WONT say a bad word about the music itself, I just think some tracks didn't support the atmosphere, it felt out of place.
Some of the tracks were fine, but there've been missions where I turned the music down and played back the OST instead.

Also, the gain staging of some loud songs vs quiet speakers required tweaking settings to be able to understand a word.
I by myself am a music producer with quite some tools.
Feel free to dm me if you need some help with improving speech clarity, mediocre microphone recordings and such.
We could even talk about some creative processing if wanted, e.g. processing voices to sound like transmissions etc

Was even thinking about writing some tracks in style of original FS2 soundtrack, but who knows if and when I find time for that.

P.S.: Just remembered one thing that really annoyed me: Blast radius damage.
I head to restart so many missions because of exploding torpedos and capitals.
I don't see it adding value to the game and would've preferred if it wasn't there or of smaller scale.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 05:58:17 am by jbjhjm »


Offline TrashMan

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Re-playing it right now.

Aidie from an massive error dump when trying to follow the Bastion (after the failed attack on Nemesis in Earth orbit.. currently stuck there), no major bugs.

A personal observation, the EA seems at times comically incompetent and evil.
Some missions are virtually impossible to complete without knowledge what will happen in advance, so you can position and arm yourself properly. To me, that's just not that great of a design.
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