Author Topic: KNet is Ignoring my Inferno Install  (Read 60 times)

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Offline Trivial Psychic

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KNet is Ignoring my Inferno Install
[Also posted in Inferno forum]

My Inferno install just got trashed.  I'd been playing last week, and today decided to play the mission against the Vindyahar (or however the new Diablo is spelt) but to my surprise, the Inferno splash screen is replaced with a generic 'Freespace Open Engine' one, and I've got the FS2 mainhall, and when I go to the campaign screen, the only one available is the FS2 main campaign.  This is most likely a KNet issue of some kind, but I've tried other mods in my install and this is the only one that behaves like it doesn't exist.  I tried to verify my install, and I get no warnings.  The only mod I've tried that gets me even remotely close to the same result, is S:AH, which also gives me the generic splash screen, but goes to the right mainhall and the rest.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!